Comments on: The New York Times Is Now Engulfed in the STAR*D Scandal Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Sun, 05 May 2024 16:29:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kevin Smith Sun, 05 May 2024 16:29:22 +0000 In reply to Gene Combs.

Thank you Gene for providing such a succinct encapsulation depicting the downstream impact resulting from institutional failure, e.g., mal-educated and mal-trained mental health professionals doing the best they can within a multi-corrupted system. Some hard and painful reckoning coming in the not too distant future.

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By: Kevin Smith Sun, 05 May 2024 15:53:46 +0000 Robert Whitaker’s resolve to keep chipping away at powerful institutional forces is both awe inspiring and, for me at least, despairing. For the paper of record has a well established inglorious history of censorship by commission and omission from which to protect the vulnerabilities of the powerful, and a (virtual) impunity to do so at whatever constitutive expense necessary to transfer those vulnerabilities onto “vulnerable populations”, e.g., people without political capital. This is effectively the role of our institutions now, and the stenographers at NYT accomplish this role with an exceptional Orwellian aplomb. Well… maybe this new “engulfed” wrinkle will lead to some unforeseen crazy political butterfly effect that at least flushes out a future NYT response addressing the STAR*D scandal, one worthy of the 4th estate? This seems to me a realistic expectation now, however otherwise doggedly pursued until accomplished.

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By: Till Bruckner Fri, 03 May 2024 06:18:45 +0000 A broader issue: Considering how many people take these drugs, and the financial cost to insurers and individuals, why is a single $35 million study regarded as exceptionally “large-scale” and defining for the field?

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By: Blu Wed, 01 May 2024 16:12:32 +0000 In reply to Gene Combs.

Thank you for trying Gene.

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By: boans Wed, 01 May 2024 10:31:37 +0000 In reply to Blu.

“a product is ineffective is that those consumers will stop buying the product.”

That’s all well and good if it were a food stuff or something similar. These drugs have the tendency to cause dependency problems (maybe even addictions?). It may not be a choice for the heroin addict to stop buying the product. Is the same true of these ‘mental health medications’?

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By: boans Wed, 01 May 2024 10:28:20 +0000 In reply to James.

“Status quo?”.

I’m suggesting ‘they’ will do whatever is necessary to ensure that accountability is ineffective, and that includes involuntarily euthanizing people (as a last resort of course, most times the slander of ‘mental patient’ will deal with them, and the gaslighting till they suicide. Seen this done first hand so …… i’m used to the “they wouldn’t do that” mantra).

I think people would be surprised at the ‘advocates’ who are actively engaging in the concealment of the truth, and all the while touting themselves as being the defenders of the truth they are concealing. And being paid handsomely for the inside information about any problems which may arise (ie throw the client under the bus type ‘legal representatives’)

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By: maedhbh Tue, 30 Apr 2024 23:35:00 +0000 Great research Mr Whitaker and the reception your reporting and Mr Piggott’s research got shows that Western civilisation is in its death throes.

When a so-called trustworthy independent newspaper is covering up truths that were eventually acknowledged by the profession that pushed these drugs, you know it’s all over.

Morality, truth and justice do not exist any more or exist in tiny little pockets like this underfunded website or on the occasional podcaster on Youtube – although even those are shilling for their book or their podcast.

Scores of people have had their lives destroyed/damaged by these drugs and there won’t be any recompense. It doesn’t take a journalist – a stupid layperson can see the blatant falsehood of Star D whatever and yet NYT decided to double down on a lie. Remember that good old seventies film – ‘Three Days of the Condor’ when Redford puts the file to the NYT in the post box and tells the CIA man ‘they’ll publish it’ and he replies ‘Will they?’ or something – well we’re long past that now.

NYT are presumably being partly funded by some class of corporation that has pharma involvement (people aren’t buying newspapers much anymore). That’s probably the answer. I’m agnostic but it’s kind of biblical as in Lot and Sodom – ‘Can you find me one good man?’ Apparently not in the NYT – I can’t say I’m surprised. Roll on China’s takeover of democracy’s corpse.

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By: Blu Tue, 30 Apr 2024 15:54:50 +0000 In reply to Jonnie Arroyo.

I wholeheartedly agree, support, respect and believe my fellow transgender human travelers! Adult & child alike!! I trust them when they tell me who they are.

But I also wholeheartedly DIStrust big pharma and the FDA! I do not agree, support nor respect them. And I DO NOT believe them when they tell me who they are.

I do not think hormone blockers are safe. I do not believe a word out of any of their greedy evil corrupted mouths!!!

Blockers and every other drug and pharmaceuticals should be kept out of children’s mouths!

The FDA should be dismantled immediately and completely. We should build a regulatory system that is FOR the people, BY the people and OF the people!! And by “people” I mean ALL people. Not just rich white men! But they would definitely be included too (unfortunately)

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By: Blu Tue, 30 Apr 2024 15:33:38 +0000 In reply to Krista Hartmann.

And because psychiatrists, NPs, GPs & all other western allopathic doctors still do, shows us what?
1. Maybe that they are in business to make money first and foremost
2. Maybe the real job isn’t to heal people but to create repeat customers

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By: Blu Tue, 30 Apr 2024 15:24:18 +0000 In reply to boans.

The consequences of telling consumers the truth that a product is ineffective is that those consumers will stop buying the product. But if your newspaper tells consumers that the product their own sponsor makes is ineffective, that sponsor will cease paying you to advertise their product and then your newspaper will go out of business (even if the sponsor’s business doesn’t)

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By: Gene Combs Tue, 30 Apr 2024 14:16:17 +0000 This all makes me very sad and weary. I worked for years as a “behavioral scientist” (I hate the term) in Family Medicine Residency programs, where I directed the physician/teachers toward the large body of evidence showing that antidepressants don’t work, that antipsychotics cause more long-term problems than they solve, and that their history-taking should include much more curiosity about peoples’ psychosocial and economic context than is the custom. For the most part I was treated as a nice person who is well-intentioned, but too idealistic for the “real world” where moving product through the system, putting a simplistic label on a complex situation, and prescribing a pill is the order of the day. I take heart from the way you persist. I like to believe the numbers of those of us who believe in a better way are growing. You are certainly doing your part.

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By: Larry Cox Tue, 30 Apr 2024 05:27:11 +0000 This reminds me a bit of the Post Office / Horizon scandal that was recently loudly portrayed on PBS.

The problems started in 1999 with the rollout of a brand new computerized accounting system for the entire British Post Office network, which includes about 11,500 local offices. The system, designed by Fujitsu (a trillion-dollar international corporation with 124,000 employees) was buggy from the beginning. But the corporate refusal to admit that anything was wrong led to the false imprisonment of many postmasters, their financial ruin, and loss by suicide of at least 4. 3,500 Post Office franchisees were victims of this corporate crime. A high court only recently ruled that this was indeed a crime perpetrated on British postmasters, and an inquiry is still ongoing. I doubt the inquiry will ever get to the bottom of why company managers behaved so savagely against their own people. The official “owner” of the company, by the way, is the UK government.

I can only conclude that most large corporate entities eventually turn criminal. They are run top-down, they do not need to make their inner workings public, and they are capable of making a few people a ton of money. The way they are organized and the way they work are almost an invitation to indulge in criminal behavior. And all it takes is a few nut jobs holding key positions to cause worlds of hurt for everyone else. I wish we could learn from these events.

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By: Robert Llamas Tue, 30 Apr 2024 04:31:30 +0000 It’s little wonder that the NY Times is known as the American Pravda.

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By: James Mon, 29 Apr 2024 22:59:26 +0000 In reply to boans.


Are you suggesting ” states quo” .

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By: James Mon, 29 Apr 2024 22:33:44 +0000 “It is better to have questions that can’t be answered then answers that can’t be questioned” Dr. Julie Ponesse

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By: boans Mon, 29 Apr 2024 21:57:44 +0000 Okay, so the drugs are not effective. Are there consequences of stopping taking them? Withdrawal symptoms?

Then what would be the consequences of telling people the truth? Where would you look to see the effects of people stopping taking these drugs?

If there was a massive increase in homicides/suicides, would that mean that the drugs would now have efficacy? That is, people don’t die if they take them?

It would give the snake oil salespersons time to get the f*&^ outta Dodge (to quote the ‘Public Enemy’). And that’s what’s going to be important to the likes of the N Y Times.

Kick the can down the road a bit more.

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By: Yulia Mikhailova Mon, 29 Apr 2024 20:15:32 +0000 My comment was not published either. I unsubscribed from the NYT today.

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By: Jonnie Arroyo Mon, 29 Apr 2024 19:03:52 +0000 I watched the White House Correspondence Dinner last night. It wasn’t a celebration of frivolity but watching a wake without alcohol. The room was quiet. Nobody laughed at the really funny jokes. The heaviness of the crowd permeated through the television. The majority of what President Biden said was a plea for media to start, well, telling the truth. The sensationalism and biases that has caused an exodus of consumers to social media.

With every positive there is a huge negative. I would never had known about this barbaric abuse by psychiatry and its unholy alliance with BigPharma without YouTube. Without Google I would have never know about MIA. I also found a lot of other platforms willing to tell the truth because they didn’t have rely on advertising by BigPharma.

With the transgender debate coming to a fever pitch. The closing of Tavistock in the UK and research reporting by Lisa Littman. There is a paper that was written by David Schellenberger exposing the “expert” organization on transgender affirming treatment. The lack of efacy research, long term studies, and the lack of transparency to all the harms caused by hormone blockers, cross hormone therapy, and the surgery is coming grossly more apparent.

Again, this wasn’t covered well by left bias media. Those outlets spewed the lies the there was no harm in puberty blockers. The lie that stopping puberty blockers wouldn’t cause permanent damage. All are false.

While the UK has banned gender affirmed medical intervention until the age of consent. More Republican states are also passing legislation to stop the same treatments. More of these stories are not widely covered by US conventional media. Left wing is scaring parents into submission with the threats their children would commit suicide. What a horrific tactic that is. More right wing platforms are covering it more.

When I look at the explosion of transgenderism it starts to creep into psychiatry about the time psychiatry started to called out by Psychiatric Survivors and a greater flooding on social media of the fraud of the chemical imbalance theory and a greater recognition of the harms of psychiatric medication. There was more uncovering of the complicity of the FDA and basically our government’s complete lack of accountability.

Also as the transgender debate started to heat up there was a new flooding of an ideology run amok. We are all traumatized. Our parents were awful, society is oppressive, trauma dumping at places like fast food car pick up windows. People feel the need to tell the poor employee about how horrible our lives have been. While we can always be victims of operation or abuse it keeps us in a state of an inability to move forward in our lives. It causes inaction of finding societal cures to actually fix things. People run to their therapists and cry for all the injustice in their lives.

What is the response to unrealized trauma? Psychedelics is the new fancy pill to elucidate all that trauma within you. There are Kedamine Clinics and doctor supervised LSD trips. Now there is the upcoming discussions on low dose daily use of psychedelics. There is a pill for everything that is ailing you.

My point is that there is always a new psychiatric disaster that shouldn’t be challenged, debated or have an outside 3rd party entity doing real studies on these constantly evolving mental health societal crises.

Fortunately, our friends across the pond and Finland are starting to need for psychosocial discussions and a greater need for it. This not only addresses the issues causing people mental pain and anxiety and finding ways to fix things.

It has been well established that NAMI receives funding from BigPharma. Many larger, and louder, trans activists organizations also receive funding from BigPharma. Those activists calling for more use of psychedelics are also funded by BigPharma.

I don’t begrudge anybody’s right to take psychiatric medications. I’ve stayed on mine under the knowledge of the harms they continue to cause. I have no intention of going through withdrawal ever again. This is a question of choice with my informed consent.

I don’t begrudge any adult wishing to seek trans sexual medical care. As an adult making a decision based on informed consent it is your decision. I have apprehension on minors making that decision of a lack of informed consent. A young child doesn’t comprehend the long term side effects of this care. An 11 year old doesn’t know that having sex in the future can be or that medications can cause irreparably harmed. Surgery is forever. It has also been overwhelming acknowledged in study after study that most young people are gay. Some are heterosexual. Some are bisexual. At least these children were given the time they needed to find their sexuality.

I am a child from a traumatic childhood. I suffered serious narcissistic/psychopathic abuse. I live with devastation to my body by psychiatric medication. It was the fraud of the chemical imbalance theory that locked me in that marriage for decades. There are huge percussions of racism, rights and abuses to immigrants, the operation on women under the draconian abortion laws passed, there is such a backlash on the LGBTQ community by the abuse of a society that has spent far too long on the rumination’s of psychiatry’s narcissistic need to remain relevant after century after century and decade after decade of abuse.

The curtain will be pulled back and the wizard will be seen as the frightened, fraudulent, opportunistic and con artists that that profession has become.

As to psychedelics, that’s so embarrassingly obvious it requires no comment by me.

That what leads me back to social media. This isn’t information reported by commercial media. These reports come about by a deep dive into social media. There is still the issue of algorithms. As users of social media I tend to screw up the algorithms. I think YouTube had a meltdown when I subscribed to the Megan Kelly Show. I’ve watched Matt Walsh on occasion. I subscribe to Medicating Normal or other platforms willing to tell the truth. I frequently watch more International News, such as France24 and Deutsche Welle. We all have the ability to like, subscribe, ring the bell but also share.

That doesn’t mean that still putting pressure on mainstream media needs to stop. It would be unrealistic for this to be covered now. Palestine and Israel, Ukraine, Iran and our own election must take precedent. If our mainstream media does a lot better at covering these things we may still have a democracy. Then we can do more to stop this.

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By: joel stern Mon, 29 Apr 2024 14:49:30 +0000 In reply to Birdsong.

The mainstream media operates at the behest not only of Big Pharma but also other major corporate entities. In short, what we have is corporate fascism, oligarchy, or “inverted totalitarianism,” as journalist Chris Hedges defines this corrupt system. The misnamed “mental health” industry as a whole serves to legitimize and perpetuate its warped neoliberal values.

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By: Tomi Gomory Mon, 29 Apr 2024 14:45:27 +0000 Bob,
As you well know, the NYT has always been promoting the medical model of mental health and has proactively ignored any contrary valid science. So this is not surprising. Mainstream media, unfortunately, has lost its credibility in these and many other important areas of daily life. Many of its ex-reporters are on substack and other alternative sites. We are at a critical juncture in a society where the public has no clear way to gather valuable news, political or any other. Our schools have failed to produce good critical thinkers, and the media has fallen in lockstep with the powers that be in promoting misinformation to keep everyone in line unquestioningly.

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