Comments on: Psychosis Treatment: Numbing the World of Spirit Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Tue, 28 May 2024 00:12:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alex Conway Tue, 28 May 2024 00:12:40 +0000 I really enjoyed this piece. I think the concepts of “spirit” and “shamanism” are very important for development of effective mental health care. In fact, I suspect that the omissions of these concepts from our culture (and the substitution of psychiatry and psychology instead) is one of the reasons for high rates of mental health problems in the modern world.

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By: Michael Tscheu Wed, 15 May 2024 00:45:14 +0000 Schizophrenia

Most of my life has been lived in the context of dissociation. Given some of your description of schizophrenia as moving inside to get away, I began wondering if schizophrenia and dissociation may be on the same continuum of life being too much?

I spend time with the homeless in a community that feels overwhelmed by them and mostly just wants them “to go away”.
There are numerous reports of psychotic behavior among them.
Schizophrenia makes sense if you are living an isolating life, often perceived as less than human and denied access to basic “safety” (Maslow). Understandably you would want to get “away” especially living in a community that wants you to go “away”. Sadly a perfect partnership. That quite possibly the Supreme Court will decide is criminal.

Some homeless friends have shared that they could not survive without meth.
A bit crazy but it is their “survival away” within a life “seeking away” within a society that wants you “to go away”

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By: Ems Tue, 14 May 2024 18:53:15 +0000 I wholeheartedly like with your thoughts and writing. I experienced what the western world refer to as psychosis, but I connect with the Shamanic awakening aspect of the experience. Through holding boundaries (recurrently), I managed to remain away from significant drugs and ultimately self discharged from mental health services (just as attempts were made to attempt to pathologise the healthy boundaries I was setting).
It was seen as quite controversial at time, I was expected to fail, labelled as a patient lacking in insight but I got the next job I applied for and just returned to my prior profession. This was quite a few years ago now and my health is probably the best it’s bee . I have a low key lifestyle, working alongside medical professionals that mostly only connect with biomedical understandings. I share my experiences with a very limited number of people.
The Shamanic brain does entail moving in and out of different levels of consciousness. I commonly connect with voices, visions and dream-like states as a description of happenings in my own mind. I learn to almost sit back and watch it rather than engage in it. Sometimes it gives me ideas to contemplate, other times it takes me into emotions that can help with healing. In some ways it’s a bit like learning to be mindful.
I commonly question why I have made it through this process but I think everyone’s path is different. It took time to complete the process. An ongoing learning approach helps, and just a continued curiosity on how your own brain and mind works rather considering things as ‘normal’ vs ‘abnormal’
I wish you continued strength in your journey.

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By: H Tue, 14 May 2024 14:56:43 +0000 In reply to Ed.

Thank you Ed. He is delusional, but so far, I have been able to reduce the akathisia with vitamins. He is not sleeping that bad, better than with medication. I wish I could help him, but he avoids me and doesn’t talk to me. He lives with me, and I have learnt to use the word “silence.” In God I trust. Science has not answer for these issues. God bless you all.

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By: Rebecca adsett Tue, 14 May 2024 10:16:43 +0000 Thank you for this article…I do believe .this buta targeted by society myself I have always been capable of functioning. It is a victim and perps setting me up and the justice system society thst discriminates against the spiritual.. there is the possessed and the targeted by malevolent spirits in others particularly intrafamiliar. Like 7 deadly sins allows for possession if harboring them as in a mental health act based on 7 deadly sins like greed in flooding their markets and big pharm and lust in cover up by well positioned rapists to trash you as mental didn’t stop them from raping ya though did it. And a system that rips the individual off for their insights and creativity not thinking linearly that linear thought brought the world nothing maybe the nuclear bomb ….yes that’s why memory is impacted because dreams Freud said were a way to compartmentalize our experience in reality. Some of us thst are further advances can tell right from wrong dreams from reality and manifestations as that manifestations of spirit as opposed to the physical realm. The last dynasty of Egypt of slavery where Egypt fell was setain of the God set the patron Saint of psychiatry. The targeting of the mind the soul for state control will destroy the country and the world of humanity of conscience. Psychiatry in my opinion is satanic….and everything it produces is destructive harm to human beings as opposed to leading them in their discovery of their gifts and inclusion in our society…some in my experience are far gone needing this neuroleptics in low doses but many most do not it is hatred of what is ” normal” in jealousy and envy of those gifted in not just spiritual and closeness to God but in favor of God in sanctity and in justification of God that would cause you to force treatment on them and premeditate having them raped denied necessities of life like housing food clothing education to give them employment and civil constitutional rights that here in canada we have none and cause them to look like you overweight from medication crippled in birthing malpractice unable to walk looking like sloth and gluttony and 7 deadly sins that sitting at your desk casting judgement on others far beyond your understanding as a bigot and hypocrite for obstruction of justice and cover up of criminality and the pharmaceutical industry in which you are nothing but a pharmacologic.flooding the market against those denied security of person 80 percent of those slandered as schizophrenics are victims. Einstein stated the last frontier is the human mind… this is the last straw of breaches of 53 nuremberg resolution of r h jackson.

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By: Nina Joseph Mon, 13 May 2024 22:45:01 +0000 Very interesting article and great to flag up the spiritual growth we humans need to give our lives meaningfulness
Yes chemicals, which may be needed for a short time in an acute phase to avoid harm,become normalised for years or for life with numbing effect thanks for sharing

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By: Bob Mon, 13 May 2024 20:23:20 +0000 In reply to Isaac.

Thanks, Isaac, for sharing your “dissenting opinion”. I guess everyone has to make their way as best they can. Some people find the kind of success you refer to–education, career, etc,–only when they get themselves off psychiatric medication. But, either way, your conclusion is not the only one that can be drawn from the cessation of your spiritual experiences when taking medication. Another option is that taking medication is like putting in spiritual “earplugs”. The spirit world is still there, you just can no longer hear, see or feel it.

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By: Ed Mon, 13 May 2024 17:28:14 +0000 In reply to Helen Rangel.

Helen, I sincerely feel for your son! Yes, I hope you can help him find all the resources he needs to avoid the hospital! The creative arts and process have been my most consistent resource! Best, Ed J. Kaitz

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By: Ed Mon, 13 May 2024 17:25:50 +0000 In reply to Julia.

I hear that so well. As someone who has been repeatedly on and off meds, and forced into compliance- though I personally am doing far better now, I have known 5 suicides at least from fellow travelers who lost all hope. So, I feel a terrible loss has occurred and is still occurring. Gratefully I have found some solace in music and art, and sometimes these gifts channel through me and move people. Best, in Spirit, Ed J. Kaitz

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By: Richard Taylor Mon, 13 May 2024 12:40:25 +0000 As a person who has recently struggled with madness, I couldn’t agree more.

My prescription for anyone suffering from madness would be:
* Love
* Mindfulness
* Trauma informed therapy involving tools like EMDR and IFS
* The minimal amount of medication needed provide a bit of relief and sleep.

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By: Donna Sun, 12 May 2024 08:30:09 +0000 Hello Dr Nick, I think there are elements of the struggle to survive and understand in your narrative writing. I am glad to read how like me realizing you were lost lead you to Christianity. I also put my experience with psych drugs in the category of that thing called darkness. The mind fog, the other nerve damage, the tendency to lose timing and energy rhythms and parameters, it is a dead loss to me, to call that treatment is a lie. I find myself strengthened with proper elimination of toxins out of my bowels, where they accumulate. Vitamin B complex and magnesium help reduce the potential for cancer to develop. I have been in the system longer than yourself. Please keep encouraging yourself in Jesus, as it is inspiring to truthful views in the face of a broken world.

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By: Ericka Fulbright Fri, 10 May 2024 16:51:38 +0000 Thankyou. This really explains so much to me and the confusion of it all has dissipated by huge measure. Someone that I cherish deeply has gone into psychosis and it has put a deep ravine between us. I have researched and this is the one that was super helpful over many different references and pages. Thankyou. I am now thinking our friendship can mend and we can find peace in the company of eachother again.

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By: liberationfromdrugs Fri, 10 May 2024 08:22:07 +0000 Thank you, Dr Lombardo, for this wonderful article. Also many thanks to MIA, who always makes it possible to post such perspectives and experiences.

In my opinion, we are of course more than what we perceive through our senses, with which we perceive the outer world in order to be able to organise ourselves in it.

But what happens while we dream? Science cannot explain it, because it cannot yet explain the energetic realm in action. Nobody would claim that dreams are pathological. But if a person experiences ‘dreams’ in waking consciousness, they are automatically ill.

The analogy with the Shaman is a very good one. These people can either constantly switch between states of consciousness or even hold both at the same time. It is pure inner work that leads to such possibilities. Sometimes it takes years to reach a good result, sometimes people are ‘attacked’ by these states and fall into a ‘psychosis’. Today, the term ‘Trauma Based Awakening’ is being used more and more. This could be the right term.

It may be a long way to go to teach people this and to develop appropriate support.
This would be more difficult and smarter than a pill, but healthier and more humane!!

I wish you much strength on your further journey.


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By: H Thu, 09 May 2024 19:42:57 +0000 In reply to Dr Nick Lombardo.

Thank you for replying Dr. Lombardo. I will let him know your opinion.

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By: H Thu, 09 May 2024 19:40:29 +0000 In reply to Dr Nick Lombardo.

Hi Isaac, you have a Biblical name. I myself didn’t believe until I encounter this evil who wants to destroy man kind. I am glad that the medication is working for you now. Sadly, you will see the side effects later. All the best for you.

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By: Shae La Perle Thu, 09 May 2024 18:48:45 +0000 Peter Wilberg said that those who are vulnerable or sensitive to depression must enter and complete the depressive process – sometimes several times in one’s lifetime, as some people are more prone to it, given who they are and their circumstances. Going thru a depressive process doesn’t necessarily lead to a clinical depression. Please see his work. Perhaps there is a similarity with psychosis.

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By: Julia Thu, 09 May 2024 12:20:32 +0000 A lot of things or beings can be silenced (including whole species, ethnicities or genders, etc) by modern Western technology/”development”/social controls… does that really mean they’re not worth listening to?

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By: Dr Nick Lombardo Thu, 09 May 2024 06:32:14 +0000 In reply to Damian Jones.

Thanks for your insight. Good luck likewise on your journey.

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By: Dr Nick Lombardo Thu, 09 May 2024 06:29:50 +0000 In reply to Isaac.

I appreciate your comments and perspective. That’s the beauty of life, no one is master of our thoughts and we will have to agree to disagree this time. I was an atheist until I feel into a psychosis, so I guess it effects everyone differently. All the best on your journey.

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By: Damian Jones Thu, 09 May 2024 05:41:33 +0000 I agree, when I went into a psychosis 6 years ago I felt I could not talk to the Psychiatrist about what I was genuinely experiencing as I knew he would not understand. There’s a big gap between Psychiatry and Spirituality.
Anyway, I have never been diagnosed with Schizophrenia and have managed my ‘voices’ myself for the past 5 years by using medications that are not anti psychotics. I could not tolerate any of them for very long, but I understand that they do help lots of people.

There is some good research coming out now on the Ketogenic diet helping people with mental health issues.

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