Comments on: Prescription Drugs Are the Leading Cause of Death Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Mon, 20 May 2024 22:08:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jan Lloyd Mon, 20 May 2024 22:08:13 +0000 I remember when a Dr. would consult a pharmacist before he wrote a prescription lots of times.
The pharmacist might make the pills right there at the drug store. Now instead of valuable medical training a lot of it is replaced with Dr”s. learning about medications or ‘pills’. They use a cookie cutter chart for all.
Not surprising when one considers that all the major hospitals and HMO’s and all the pharmaceutical companies are really owned by BlackRock.
This country -and the world-deserves to have drugs made by a non profit research and drug making company that only get rewarded financially for cures. They could have the brightest from good Universities helping with the research.
Right now it profits drug companies in no way to find cures-just the opposite. BioTech, Moderna, Pfizer makes $66.000 a minute on covid vaccines alone.
Isnt it food for thought that a vaccine that takes 5-15 years to make was made in 5 months?

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By: Jan Lloyd Mon, 20 May 2024 21:40:26 +0000 In reply to Peter noone.

Everything he said here was fact based, and well cited. Your inability to deal with facts is what perverted logic is all about.

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By: JanCarol Thu, 09 May 2024 13:53:40 +0000 As I read this article, I thought about the aging populace around me (over 50’s).

Was that thrombosis from an NSAID? How would we ever know?

When the psychiatry scales fell from my eyes, I thought about 20-30% of the population as drugged, and when they complained of heart, digestion, fatigue, and – yes, still mood – issues – I couldn’t help but “blame the drug.”

But it’s not just this one and that one. In drugs, I think of it as exponential when you combine them. 1+1=10. So when you’re on 6. Egads.

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By: Sylvain Rousselot Sun, 28 Apr 2024 05:58:49 +0000 In reply to Peter noone.

Chemotherapy is covered by Peter C. Götzsche in this article:

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By: Peter noone Sat, 27 Apr 2024 09:11:53 +0000 I think cancer drugs cause death. you did not include chemotherapy drugs in your genius study.

i am sure, untreated, cancer patients would live longer, at least by your perverted logic

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By: Jane Reoch Thu, 25 Apr 2024 12:58:25 +0000 In reply to PB.

Are you willing to share with us what drugs you were prescribed that saved you by successfully treating your insomnia? I was recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism after being diagnosed with insomnia and hypertension. I currently don’t take any psychiatric medications.

I appreciate your valuable information.
Thank you.

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By: Jane Reoch Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:34:07 +0000 In reply to Birdsong.

Drug pusher/pill pusher. Psychiatrist Dr Stephen Strakowski explains that people will think psychiatrists are pill pushers when they practice polypharmacy by prescribing drugs for “unclear reasons.”

He writes,” As a reminder, although most of our drugs are studied by themselves, there are some trials of combinations of two drugs, rare studies with combinations of three drugs, and virtually nothing when you have more drugs than that. That’s where my three-drug maximum actually comes from. This notion that somehow we’re so clever that we can understand how four or five or six drugs that are impacting the brain interact with each other is patently wrong. I can’t do it. Maybe some of you can. If you really can tell me how you understand that, with what we know about the brain today, please do the research and let us know. That, again, presents a problem because the pill-pusher myth is reinforced when people are on multiple drugs for unclear reasons.”

Here’s the link to article his on Medscape:

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By: PB Wed, 24 Apr 2024 19:15:19 +0000 I had insomnia so badly and for so long (despite all kinds of therapy etc.) that I wanted to kill myself. Drugs saved my life, as they enabled me to sleep and feel 100% better. Maybe I will die sooner, but I would already be dead without them.

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By: Jane Reoch Wed, 24 Apr 2024 13:09:30 +0000 When a VHA psychologist two weeks ago asked if I wanted “mental health” care,
I replied, “No,” while waving off the questioner with my hands.
I then said, “I can’t tolerate any more poly-pharmacy, and I will not go back to my (chemical ) abusers.”

In psychiatric wards, I was forced to take multiple medications, and I felt I was being pharmaceutically raped because when I asked, “what is the drug you’re giving me, ” the reply was, “It’s what the doctor ordered.” I replied, “I know that, but what is the name and type of this drug?” The orderly replied, “You won’t get out of here unless you take it.” -PTSD flashback

It’s one thing to be sexually raped while serving in the Navy, but it’s unacceptable to be forced (raped) to take a drug when a veteran has a documented history of military sexual trauma.
All my doctors were ignorant that they were causing my PTSD to worsen. Unfortunately, too many psychiatrists are drug pushers.

-JL Reoch

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By: Suzanne Tue, 23 Apr 2024 21:55:17 +0000 I would like to see the meta-analysis on the studies done to confirm this statement. At the very least, it is entirely too broad a brush and vague. Leading cause of death in what cohort? If you look at the CDC and NHI statistics this is not included. Is it a conspiracy?

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By: Adam Tue, 23 Apr 2024 21:04:28 +0000 Great article, Doc. Unethically designed trials are rife within all fields of medicine. The regulatory agencies not only permit them, but enable and endorse their findings as well. Publication standards are a joke, and the world’s health authorities have lost legitimacy. Dementia research and cancer therapies stand out as particularly egregious. To say we have lost the way is a severe understatement; the system is beyond reproach. May god help us all or may we join hands and stand up to the corrupt system of profit driven healthcare.

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By: Sunshinegirl1217 Mon, 22 Apr 2024 20:34:52 +0000 In reply to Linda Santini, M.Ed. (retired teacher).

what’s the first?

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By: ConcreteBob Mon, 22 Apr 2024 14:59:10 +0000 In reply to Linda Santini, M.Ed. (retired teacher).

Good article and ending ‘People are depressed because they lead depressing lives’. People may also be depressed because of thought patterns, relations with others or memories of childhood. Ultimately it is the life they lead.
Medical practicioners offering medication because they themselves will profit from giving out a certain drug is no more advanced than a tribal Witch Doctor dispensing a potion they have concocted.
You are right when you see that Doctors do not realise the effects of the drugs they give out. Maybe Medical schools should make students/junior Dr.’s take the drugs they will be prescribing !!

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By: Frank Sun, 21 Apr 2024 19:20:56 +0000 My life was destroyed by a drug that gave me PSSD (permanent side effects) and now i want to die everyday.

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By: registeredforthissite Sat, 20 Apr 2024 22:25:03 +0000 In reply to Marie Lutz.


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By: Marie Lutz Wed, 17 Apr 2024 23:41:41 +0000 There’s no doubt Americans are over medicated and that drugs cause deaths, with psychiatric drugs being among the worst. But there’s no research that proves drugs are the leading cause of death. That’s because a person’s death may have numerous causes with the drug being only one factor In addition, a toxic drug may eventually kill someone, but the patient may have succumbed to their illness sooner if they hadn’t been taking the medication. I’m not convinced, for example, that statins, blood pressure medications or diabetes medications are completely safe, but they’re supposed to extend lifespans. Maybe they do or maybe they don’t, but that’s the argument for them.

One other point, people, such as those with dementia or a terminal illness, may be medicated to keep them comfortable even if the drug may shorten their lifespan.

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By: Dr. Ghanshyam Dwivedi Wed, 17 Apr 2024 14:46:12 +0000 Medication associated and as true cause of death- is ignored side effect, when a drug company sells a drug.
As seen in drug withdrawal by manufacturer, most antidiabetic drugs causes more deaths. This includes insulins- one brand of insulin is withdrawn from market recently. As a physician I have observed many deaths due to hypoglycemia in insulin users- especially elderly diabetics. All such drugs cause fluid retention and congestive heart failure as well.
NSAIDs causes renal failure and patients end up on dialysis and death.

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By: Linda Santini, M.Ed. (retired teacher) Wed, 17 Apr 2024 14:11:07 +0000 Animal testing is disgusting.
Homeopathy works wonders. It actually cures the causes of depression, psychosis, anxiety and all the rest.
The WHO says homeopathy is the second most widely used system of medicine in the world. It’s amazing, so very different from Western medicine or even herbalism.
And testing is done on fairly healthy humans, not on puppies or other animals.
-Linda, author of “Goodbye, Quacks – Hello, Homeopathy!”

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By: Sylvain Rousselot Tue, 16 Apr 2024 20:37:04 +0000 Human research on the toxicity of psychotropic medications is either imprecise (observational studies) or unethical (clinical trials).

What about animal testing? It allows accurate results to be produced in an ethical manner, regarding the chronic use of psychotropic medications.

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By: Louisa Tue, 16 Apr 2024 19:22:01 +0000 A much needed article and I just wanted to mention Dr. Peter Breggin, author of “Toxic Psychiatry” and “Your Drug May Be Your Problem”. He has done excellent work on this issue for years.

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