Comments on: Giving Caregivers a Platform: Meagan, Mother of Matt Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Thu, 04 Apr 2024 10:27:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: boans Thu, 04 Apr 2024 10:27:12 +0000 Wow. Well done Meagan (and Matt).

I often struggle with ‘caregivers’ narratives because in many cases they are co conspirators with the ‘medical establishment’ (nothing really ‘medical’ about negligence, fraud and slander but for convenience …..). I am struck by the levels of scripting that is performed by the mental health ‘system’, ie that they have an response to every claim by anyone wishing to exit their system which merely drags the victims further into that system….. and if all else falis….. FORCE. Democratic force of course ….. someone explaining to me that pack rape is a democratic process, it’s nine people doing what one person doesn’t want done.

I think back to the conversation I had with a woman whose 14 year old daughter had waved her goodbye and stepped into traffic after an appointment with mental health services…trying to explain to her that this particular hospital was “editing” documented legal narratives post hoc to conceal their involvement in any criminal conduct, AND their ‘arrangement’ with legal representatives in manipulating outcomes preferred by the State…. of course “they wouldn’t do that” will leave her vulnerable to those exploiting the publics trust. The organised nature of these frauds shown in the way the staff were actually leaving known false documents to be available for such fraud and the ‘fuking destruction’ of anyone who complained about their criminality. That and the unlawful release of personal information from files ….. with an apology issued for their ‘errors’.

Were they using ‘coercion’ with this child? And while i’ll never know, I found the mothers campaigning for the State to increase the levels of interventions for children misplaced. Her position being that it was just a matter of ‘more of the same earlier’. Something I think of as being akin to being ‘crushed’ as the ‘identified patient’…… and all that to deal with as well as being a teen?

I think also that a big part of my healing will occur when someone looks at the documented proof and realises what was done to me, rather than look at the state of me after being viciously attacked by the State (or more correctly the public officers concealing their criminal conduct, and family members who they theatened and intimidated….. Hi to the FOI Officer) and telling me what is wrong with me…….. der it’s called torture trauma though the State can’t acknowledge that truth despite being aware of the facts. Something I did receive some support for here at MiA….. though they too have families that can be threatened and intimidated by the State sooooo best they do as they’re told or they may get Julian Assanged. But maybe someday someone will have the courage to examine the truth ….. and maybe even speak to me as an equal rather than get that look of fear on their face that they wouldn’t dare tell the Emperor he has no clothes (and a very small penis to boot)

Anyhow, I digress. Good to hear your story Meagan and I wish you both well with a future devoid of this ‘medical specialty’.

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By: Sam Ruck Wed, 03 Apr 2024 23:00:16 +0000 Thank you, Shelley and Meagan for sharing this.

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By: Rosalee D Wed, 03 Apr 2024 05:59:09 +0000 It’s obscene what psychiatry does to people when as you say “it begins with common human struggles”. When someone sees a psychiatrist for “common human struggles” they often end up in a far worse situation than before they saw the psychiatrist. How very fortunate Matt had a strong, caring mother with the fortitude to go to such great lengths to intervene and save her son. How the psychiatrist had falsely written in Matt’s records that his mother had a history of ‘anxiety disorder’ shows the utter hubris and God complex many psychiatrists possess. If they have the gall to write this about a patient’s mother it shows what BS they write about vulnerable patients!

My brother went through a time of grief/human struggle after his divorce and was sent to a psychiatrist for ‘help’. He was 40, an engineer, musician, very physically fit and had two young boys. Back then I was led to believe psychiatry had special knowledge to ‘help’ people so it was very concerning to see him decline (physically, mentally and cognitively) from the ‘help’. One day we found him dead in his house. The fan in his bedroom was still running and he was in a position indicating he was trying to get out of bed. His autopsy states his body was not sufficiently metabolizing one of the drugs and a fatal level had built up in his liver. He had been seeing his psychiatrist once per month but somehow this psychiatrist was oblivious to how unwell he had begun to look and claimed to be shocked by his death.
Glad you found MIA and other resources, including Ron Bassman. Great to hear Matt is doing so much better. Thank you for this interview Shelley and Meagan and for your activism.

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By: shelley Wed, 03 Apr 2024 01:30:59 +0000 Thank you for your comments and support, Russell.

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By: Russell Stence Mon, 01 Apr 2024 21:54:42 +0000 Thank you, Meagan, for your willingness to share this very encouraging and inspiring story, and thank you, Shelley, for the excellent interview and writing! The experiences for both you and your son, Megan, are so reflective of what my daughters and my wife and I have gone through at the hands of the psychiatric system as it is. I’m so glad you’ve come through this “trial by fire” as well as you have, and of course wish you all the best in your continuing journey.

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