Comments on: Witless and Dangerous? Challenging the Assumptions of the ‘Schizo’ Paradigm Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Tue, 07 May 2024 20:09:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Silvia Price Tue, 07 May 2024 20:09:50 +0000 Re schizophrenia….look up “schizophrenia and MTHFR”. I left some links on Peter’s “Looking for the psychiatric yeti” article.

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By: Silvia Price Tue, 07 May 2024 06:11:11 +0000 Neil,
Let me tell you how SSRIs cause harm. If you look at the NIH page on medications that cause nutrient deficiencies, it lists SSRI’s and the nutrients it alters include Folate…and on the column that lists “risk factors” it lists MTHFR mutations.

Why is that important? Because double MTHFR mutations, (especially homozygous C677T) cause a reduction in your ability to metabolize Folic Acid. So if the mutation causes you to have low Folate and you take SSRIs which also affect Folate, that’s going to affect your ability to recycle homocysteine to methionine and make SAMe, which donates part of itself for multiple important processes, including manufacture of neurotransmitters, detoxification by the liver, DNA methylation and more. (This process is called 1-Carbon metabolism).

By the way, marijuana lowers Folate. So if you have low folate caused by MTHFR mutations and add daily, heavy use of marijuana, you won’t have enough Folate to recycle homocysteine, which is toxic to neurons.

I visited the group Surviving Antidepressants and was shocked to see that the so called “withdrawal symptoms” are exactly the same as the symptoms caused by MTHFR mutations and high homocysteine, including atrial fibrillation, ear pain, tinnitus, neuropathy, fatigue, pain, rashes, anxiety, weakness, akathisia, heat intolerance, etc

It makes sense, when you decrease the dose of SSRIs (which affect Folate) you dysregulate 1-Carbon metabolism.

I asked them if they’d had an MTHFR test and they showed me a thread that confirmed my suspicions. All who posted their results were positive, mostly C677T homozygous, no negatives.

I’m giving you guys the answer you’ve been looking for. Let’s see how long it takes for someone to listen. Let me know if you want sources.

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By: Birdsong Sun, 14 Apr 2024 20:47:25 +0000 In reply to Neil Broatch.

Thank you! 🙂 I enjoy reading your articles very much.

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By: Neil Broatch Sun, 14 Apr 2024 19:44:14 +0000 In reply to Birdsong.


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By: Neil Broatch Sun, 14 Apr 2024 19:43:05 +0000 In reply to Michael Osterbuhr.

I havent looked much at diagnostics. I looked a little here at the overlap.

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By: Neil Broatch Sun, 14 Apr 2024 19:29:06 +0000 In reply to Bill Bradford.

Thanks. I know the feeling.

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By: Birdsong Fri, 12 Apr 2024 20:18:10 +0000 “If the late adolescence/early adulthood period is genuinely ‘critical’ and ‘sensitive’ for still developing brains, then it is precisely this which should make clinicians wary of biomedical interventions!”

This kind of critical thinking (not to mention common sense) is woefully absent in psychiatry. I don’t know why the obvious never occurs to most of them. Wait a minute! Yes I do! Their confirmation bias has them primed to see what they’re looking for, even if they’re not sure what it is they’re looking at, i.e. ‘schizophrenia’, or ‘depression’, or ‘bipolar’, or ‘anxiety disorder’, or any other ‘disorder’ they happen to think of…

Therefore, the last thing any medical doctor should do is reach for their prescription pad.

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By: Michael Osterbuhr Fri, 12 Apr 2024 14:43:17 +0000 Have you researched psychosis in bi-polar individuals? I’m not an expert in the DSM system, but it seems odd to me, that psychosis can present in both schizophrenia and mania.
In critiquing treatment choices, it would also seem important to research pressure from patients and their families to banish the psychosis symptoms, and other symptoms be damned.

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By: John Hoggett Fri, 12 Apr 2024 12:19:15 +0000 The Mortimer article has this statement at the end;
A.M. has worked with pharmaceutical companies regarding the introduction of atypical antipsychotic treatments for schizophrenia, received research funding and spoken at conferences.”
Tells me all I need to know. The arguments against deprescribing and in favour of drug based early intervention services read like drug company marketing and face saving arguments dressed up as science.

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By: Someone Else Fri, 12 Apr 2024 03:19:38 +0000 I’m not certain how many times I must point out that the psych drugs can create the “invalid” psych DSM “bible” disorders.

I agree, Robert Whitaker did an excellent job of pointing out that the antidepressants and ADHD drugs can create the “bipolar” symptoms, in ‘Anatomy of an Epidemic.’ We donate to MiA almost every year, in thanks for Robert’s research findings, and his honest reporting.

But I’ll repeat, once again, my research findings … which are relevant, Neil, to your concerns of “schizo” diagnoses, and “psychosis,” in general.

The antipsychotics / neuroleptics (as well as the antidepressants, since they’re also an anticholinergic drug) can create the positive symptoms of “schizophrenia” (including “psychosis”), via anticholinergic toxidrome.

Plus, the neuroleptics can also create the negative symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via neuroleptic induced deficit disorder.

The psych DSM “disorders” are iatrogenic illnesses, created with the psych neurotoxins … not “genetic disorders.”

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By: Bill Bradford Fri, 12 Apr 2024 01:37:14 +0000 Thank-you, Neil. THANK-YOU…. Oh, God, if only I and THEY knew THEN, what we are learning NOW, maybe a whole lot of suffering could have been avoided….

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