Comments on: From the Dopamine Theory to the Outcomes Paradox Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Thu, 11 Apr 2024 19:36:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Neil Broatch Thu, 11 Apr 2024 19:36:21 +0000 In reply to Krista Hartmann.

Thank you. I understand a little what it means to have your viewpoint and experience written off. And I think you’re right to bring up the contrast with the drug addiction field. There “recovery” means getting free from mind altering substances. Whereas in the mental health field it tends to mean remaining on them indefinitely.

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By: Neil Broatch Thu, 11 Apr 2024 19:28:04 +0000 In reply to Someone Else.

Thank you

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By: Birdsong Mon, 08 Apr 2024 19:50:51 +0000 ‘Anitpsychotics’ interfere with the psyche’s ability to naturally restore itself, which can happen, given enough time and favorable circumstances.

Aggressively ‘treating’ psychotic episodes with neuroleptics for years (or any amount of time for that matter) assaults the human body, and mis-perceiving withdrawal effects as a ‘recurrance of the original illness’ is not just a mistake, it is a crime.

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By: Krista Hartmann Mon, 08 Apr 2024 13:56:45 +0000 Mr. Broatch,
Thank you for an accurate view of antpsychotic damage, during & after ‘treatment’.

I was falsely diagnosed bipolar 1 in 2004 thanks to the infamous DSM-IV, Frances Allen-led corruption & my psychiatrist’s financial-conflict-of-interest (, immediately drugged aggressively with antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, benzos (‘sleep-aids’), & ‘mood-stabilizers’, everyday for the following 12 years. My addiction and the side effects were profound.

I lost everything of meaning: my friends, family, job, home and sense of safety in the world. I quickly became bankrupted & homeless at 54 years old.
My psychiatrist applauded my “med-compliancy”.

12 years later, I forced a doctor-guided, 2.5 year withdrawal following an avoidable anaphylactic event (leveraging their liability)-ironic in the light of prior equally serious side effects… 2 NMS events, myocardiopathy (declared “fatal” in hospital)…and much more, for the entire 12 years (“treatment-resistant” poster-child!).
I also had them ‘change’ their diagnoses to NOS- mood-disorder & anxiety (no sh*t)…in writing.

My last dose of any psych drug was March 2016. My first seizure ‘event’ was April, followed by 18 more for 2 years. Cardio, neuro, and advanced brain institute testing & interviews followed….NONE receptive to pointing towards 12 years of psych drug effects! I brought reprints of clinical findings to wholesale, nervous indifference…avoiding the elephant in the room. They would NOT implicate another prescriber…even obliquely.

*Had I been a street-drug addict, it would have been the ONLY topic regarding cause, damage, & assistance.
I was met with annoyance & limited pursuit followed by ‘Good luck & good bye”. The polite vibe was that I was STILL seriously mentally ill, in denial…so sad.

I ‘treated’ my brain-damage (pre-frontal focal lesion manifested by micrographia) and drug-free re-entry into the world, in addition to a very difficult PTSD (exit doctor description) outrage that had no one to commiserate with…as “lifetime” labels are brutally enforced, no challenges tolerated.

I also found an indifferent world and hostility from some members of the psychiatric-reform community. I thought my story would inspire HOPE, not snark.
Escape, self-rescue WAS possible.

*As my withdrawal & their removal of a ‘lifetime’ diagnosis and treatment (the industry’$ foundational dogma) was a secret in the industry, done to avoid a public kerfuffle in a 2nd-tier city-a threat nonetheless, it screamed loudly of their own acknowledgement of life-ruining mistakes made, the patient-sacrificing paradigm that disturbs no one, and most-importantly, their lack of conviction in their own “evidence-based” ‘science’.
“Lifetime SMI and drug treatment?….not if you’ll shut up and go away.” (After the statute of limitations expired)

I wrote about it (RxISK, MIA-2018-2019) with the American Psychiatric Association as a directed contact, offering it to local & national media, or specialized investigative journalists, including 60 Minutes, WAPO, NYT, & (then & recently) Propublica. I constantly look for local psych-survivor/resistance groups to collaborate with. I have found none.

My experience proves the fraud.

I stay engaged in the fight for SAFETY and exposure of targeting vulnerable people looking for help and the resulting exploitation for profit…and ruined lives.
I want my story to be of use. Paula Caplan was the singular support I needed & gratefully received. She is gone and I am out of ideas. At 73 years, my energy is starting to ebb a little.

Thank you very much for this accurate, well-developed piece.

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By: Birdsong Mon, 08 Apr 2024 10:06:25 +0000 The reason for the disparity is obvious: people in ‘developed’ countries have more access (money) to pharmaceutical poisons, and pharmaceutical poisons can make you sick.

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By: Birdsong Mon, 08 Apr 2024 09:43:58 +0000 The reason for the disparity is obvious: people in ‘developed’ countries have more access (money) to pharmaceutical poisons. And pharmaceutical poisons can make you sick.

[Duplicate comment]

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By: Someone Else Sun, 07 Apr 2024 00:28:28 +0000 Great blog, Neil, thank you.

Forgive me for repeating my medical research findings re: the “schizophrenia” symptom “treatments.” The positive symptoms of “schizophrenia” (“psychosis” and “hallucinations”) can be created, via anticholinergic toxidrome.

And the negative symptoms of “schizophrenia” can be created, via neuroleptic induced deficit disorder.

And when the so called “cure,” actually creates the symptoms of a so called “disorder.” That means the “illness” is an iatrogenic “illness,” NOT a “genetic illness.” And this explains why the “wealthy” countries that are pushing these neurotoxins onto the masses, for profit, also have the highest disability numbers.

And I will say I did, not too long ago, help a loved one dealing with non-psychiatric malpractice, heal from the worst “psychosis” I’ve ever seen (and that comes from one who has been in a “mental hospital”) … with a mere low dose of lithium (albeit, it did take a couple days longer).

I agree, alternatives to the systemic use of the psychiatric neurotoxins, are definitely needed. Some families (or most) don’t react well to the psychiatric neurotoxins.

And we here at MiA should work together to get direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising made illegal in this country again.

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