Comments on: On the Brink of Murder Because of an Antidepressant Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Mon, 08 Apr 2024 19:30:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Birdsong Mon, 08 Apr 2024 19:30:13 +0000 In reply to Otzi Took a Selfie in Tourist Hotspots.

Yes, but psychiatry makes an industry out of it.

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By: Otzi Took a Selfie in Tourist Hotspots Fri, 05 Apr 2024 00:20:58 +0000 Topher wrote: “Shockingly sick system and so many well intentioned but often incredibly ignorant people working in it.”

That describes all of human civilisation, every institution, every family, that ever existed, in all of time.

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By: boans Wed, 03 Apr 2024 23:05:01 +0000 In reply to Nona Yubiz.

Not a lot of good doing your research when the Doctor simply calls police and requests your ‘attendance’ for (forced) ‘treatment’.

Take your pills now?

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By: Nona Yubiz Wed, 03 Apr 2024 09:11:00 +0000 In reply to Topher.

Well said. For ‘consumers’, best practice seems to be: don’t go to a doctor for help with a mental health crisis. If that is unavoidable, thoroughly research any drug they want to prescribe before putting it in your mouth. Assume the doctor is either ignorant and/or paid by a pharma company to push their product. Safety first!

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By: Topher Mon, 01 Apr 2024 08:15:00 +0000 Shockingly sick system and so many well intentioned but often incredibly ignorant people working in it.

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By: Bill Wells Sat, 30 Mar 2024 04:59:18 +0000 Peter, can you discuss a context of murder versus being forced to die in response to the disemowering nature of mental health treatment as currently practiced? If individual and collective decision decision making are entangled in policy or even law; then where are the definitive moments being afforded for “self-determination? That is the graduated track with recovery?

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By: boans Fri, 29 Mar 2024 11:00:56 +0000 “Then, her private insurance ran out”

“highly paid psychiatrists at a private hospital harmed her indescribably and gave her a totally wrong diagnosis, psychotic and treatment-resistant depression.”

I think they may have given her a ‘diagnosis’ which would allow them to keep her right where she was until the insurance ran out. As long as the ATM of Private Insurance is paying, the $200 walk pasts will continue.

I had a friend who went through pretty much the same thing. Went to hospital because of bleeding in his throat, the Gold Standard Private Insurance meant he wasn’t allowed to leave until the insurance were no longer paying, and then he was sent home with bottles of pills and in an absolute dribbling mess. He wasn’t capable of doing much other than dribbling onto his dressing gown.

His sister flushed the pills down the toilet and he got better in about three weeks too (though I agree tapering would have been better). Once he was well enough he cancelled his health insurance and went as basic as he could. He lived wayyyyy beyond what the doctors gave him, and finally put a 44 magnum into his mouth when he was faced with the choice of being taken into their ‘care’ again.

I bet the Doctors have their EFTPOS machines ready for anyone with Top Level Health Insurance who fit the criteria for such enslavement.

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By: Rich Fri, 29 Mar 2024 06:44:05 +0000 Chemicals, chemicals, chemicals… Boy, has this industry made a literal killing drugging people into oblivion. How is this any different than numbing ourselves with food, alcohol, video games, or recreational drugs? Let’s never address the problems in a cogent and effective manner, which are largely socioeconomic in nature, and for many of us, cultural.

Being formally educated in our hypercapitalist culture is not an indicator of wisdom and intelligence, but knowledge in a specific field that will allow you to harness your skills for the purpose of acquiring capital and maintaining a system that exploits people.

Nobody gets a degree in psychiatry because they are looking to help people, even if their initial intentions are noble. It’s a racket designed to afflict people who are vulnerable. To make money off of their suffering and cast them as unreliable narrators in their own lives, which is why these big brains possess a level of hubris that is unmatched by no other.

You can’t tell a psychiatrist that the drugs they prescribe are harming you physically (affecting your brain, nervous system, blood pressure, and overall fitness) and psychologically (induced psychotic episodes, emotional blunting). Their PhDs won’t allow them to take any criticism, which they interpret as patients being non-compliant. They have kids to feed and know more than you do, so take your pill, relax, and be quiet.

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