Comments on: Medical Journals Refuse to Retract Fraudulent Trial Reports That Omitted Suicidal Events in Children Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Fri, 22 Mar 2024 03:25:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nijinsky Fri, 22 Mar 2024 03:25:50 +0000 Excuse me, but not only is there no listing of how many people get sexual dysfunction side effects, along with what is mentioned such as akathesia, and then here you can look how many other side effects there are that may or may not be mentioned. That’s an old list though there could be like many more there’s also no mention of how many people end up being addicted to a medication that has horrible withdrawal symptoms, in fact and in some of the trials more people had to leave the control group because of side effects already then were left in it, and then the withdrawal symptoms weren’t mentioned of the control group when they had to get off or if they had to get off of this magic pill. It gets to be more about getting people addicted to a pill that even caring about what the initial side effects are or the overall result when somehow convoluting all the statistics and that you can get a marginal state of it seeming to be effective, I also understand that the older antidepressants the MAOI inhibitors that they were always more effective to begin with. What is this push then to get these new antidepressants the serotonin reuptake inhibitors introduced into the public when they are that addictive and why is there all this denying of true data in the trials? Who profits from all the addiction? And even if there is this marginal state of being effective which already has been exposed to be clinically invalid produced by a medication which is as addictive and impossible or extremely hard or very troublesome to get off of, like it is for so many people, or is it for most people that difficult, how does this stand up or compare to such simple things as some exercise, eating a bit more healthy, taking a walk every day, finding a pastime that’s relaxing and I don’t know what other kind of simple treatments or responses there are that are completely not acknowledged because there’s this magic pill. It’s not reading media advertisement about such magic pills does this lead to less depression? It seems to be that it would. How do people who have never gone to the medical establishment to solve their depression, how does their ability to recover add up or compare to those who have? It seems like this daya here shows that you’re better off not having gone to the medical profession. And what about not even being around people who might suggest this and get highly offended and act like it’s a necessity or threatened you with coerced treatment? Wow isn’t that something, you can take a pill and get rid of this problem that sells as much as what might as well be snake oil because then it doesn’t have these side effects. But these pills do have extremely addictive qualities. And so people are stuck on them. Add all the false advertising: if it’s a pill it’s supposed to work scientifically and so everyone is told that it’s because of a serotonin deficiency and this adds more serotonin to your system and these two sad bubbles start bouncing around happy as were shown in the original Prozac commercials, when in reality in the long term the pills create exactly the problem they’re said to fix which is the lack of serotonin, because when there is excessive serotonin laying around because the realty is inhibited the body the brain starts making less of it. But this sells this story that is not even true, and the trials don’t really even add up, and when this is reported it’s just ignored, and when it causes a bunch of violence this is cause for more treatment which will cause more violence, what kind of circuit does things like this? And sorry I’m kind of ranting because this is on a voice detect…..Twice now I have received a letter to my address with the same number as my house on the street which exists, a letter that was supposed to go to a house on the street where there are no houses where there are such numbers because they start hundreds of numbers further on, I gave this to the postman after getting the letter without any postmark giving it to another postman and getting the letter back but I guess the artificial intelligence does all of this. The postman crossed out the artificial intelligence little barcodes or whatever they are at the bottom of the letter and I’ll see what happens, but I thought that human beings were supposed to be more intelligent than this but you just feed them a bunch of stuff: data and it doesn’t really add up but convoluted so that it’s somehow does so that when something gets worse and what’s supposed to fix it hasn’t just you or they or whoever can add more of what hasn’t fixed it as if more of what’s not working is going to magically suddenly do what it’s supposed to although it hasn’t but you’ve been told that it will, spice this up with and and add on some logic of its fixed by filling the blank and so whatever is fill in the blank whether it’s working or not it’s supposed to fix it… You know, I think this is called idolatry…

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By: Someone Else Fri, 22 Mar 2024 00:39:40 +0000 “It is disgraceful that children are treated with depression drugs. This should be made illegal and the companies and the psychiatric journals should be sued for consumer fraud with lethal consequences.”

Thank you for speaking the truth, Dr. Peter. And I will add that I believe all the anticholinergic psychiatric drugs should be made illegal, especially given the fact that every doctor is taught in med school about anticholinergic toxidrome poisonings.

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