Comments on: Japanese Study Strengthens Link Between Childhood Adversity and Later Psychological Distress Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Wed, 12 Jun 2024 02:16:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: No-one Wed, 12 Jun 2024 02:16:45 +0000 Tea cups and fairy cakes became popular in 16th century England and if you examine it them they are made to look excatly like 16th century bosoms. If bosoms were decorated the same we’d probably eat and drink them at 11 a.m. That’s why they are considered home comforts. We all ate and drank from bosoms once you know. I want a Lesbian Teacup Matchstick Breast, a Lesbian Teacup Backflip Breast. Oops – sorry – I thought I was dreaming of doing my homework. Maybe I’m replying to Mad in America. World, are you real?

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By: No-one Wed, 12 Jun 2024 02:06:42 +0000 I’ll tell you a secret. You know how you feel like you are so bored that you feel like you are dying, or you are so dissatisfied with the world that your heart feels like it’s gauged with acid and you feel like your skin is lancing with black pain, or when you are so lustful or desirous that you feel like exploding like a nuclear bomb? Well the Western response is to react or indulge this tension away, but if you realize that to burn in the black flames of boredom, disatisfaction and lust is, if you can bare it, a recipe for a creative explosion that will transform your life and consciousness and take it to another level. The same is also true with the emotional energy tied up into what we call traumatic complexes, and this is the same kind f energy behind what they call psychosis. Psychosis can liberate creative energy and freedom in exactly the way LSD can if we understand it. The emotional negativity generated by a dissatisfactory social existence is the creative energy of life that has been constrained, thwarted, and is yearning for expression and realization. You all recognize the truth of this on some level. The spirit that recognizes and surges at such recognition is that which demands this satisfaction, and it can only operate in freedom, free of control. This we call ‘creativity’. ‘Invention’ is an intellectual imitation of this process and not the same thing. So let out your black, purple, yellow, blue and red arrows. And shoot the world with your black songs. Let your trauma explode into multicoloured fireballs scorching the Earth and warning of the poetic revolution in consciousness and life. Cuz there aint noffink else to do besides this pre-programmed death we call ‘civilization’ and it’s agency in your head called ‘me’.

Apologies – it’s not my fault Mad in America attracts mad people. Perhaps they should call themselves Mad America. That would be more true wouldn’t it. This is what I am saying. In what we call mental illness is the negative imprint of society, and therefore the negative truth of the positive society. That positive society IS this madness, and those that start to realize this – including all you and all the mentally ill who read this – are those of us who are waking up to sanity through trauma, i.e. the truth of a cruel and violent social process through the agency of parents, teachers, police people and psychiatrists.

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By: No-one Tue, 11 Jun 2024 16:26:01 +0000 The thing is that much social trauma goes completely under our radar because we naturalize and normalize it, and see it as part of the normal life course. We destroy the natural qualities of children by telling them they should not be what they are, they should be something other then they are. We call them derogatory words like naughty and greedy and rude. We don’t understand their behaviour but judge and try to control it, so obviously, inevitably, we distort their nature, their natural qualities, their natural instincts, their natural healing mechanisms, and estrange them more and more from themselves. This is socially conditioned, socially instituted social violence through the agency of the parents. Through it, we attempt to make our children what society wants us to be rather then allow them to be what they are. This is ubiquitous social trauma and the basis for the development of the ego.

All nature is health. Health is nature. All natural creatures know health which is another word for harmony. Social history, or social and historical accumulation, in the form of civilization and thought, is the only other to nature. It’s the only thing that made human beings divided between nature and the demands of the social-historical totality via the socially conditioned mind. So we are all mentally and emotionally sick with our social conditioning and it’s deleterious effects on our emotions, it’s traumatising effects on the body, and it’s perverting effects on our appetites and instincts.

However, the rate of severe trauma is very much higher in people who have serious psychological struggles, and addiction shouldn’t be regarded as seperate to what we call mental health problems, and neither should criminality. They are all damaged chidren in this violent, loveless society which, having produced them, we blame on themselves under the illusion of self-responsibility. The whole universe made me and remakes me in each successive instant. How can I be responsible for myself? How can I even act? The Universe is making me what I am in every instant therefore it is the Universe acting, not me. Thought creates the illusion of a person doing it, that’s all. Everything just happens. Everything. No-one doubts that animals and very young children just happen. We call that freedom. When we imagine it ourselves, we think of that as perfect unfreedom, determinism. But that’s because we have made such miserable social and psychological conditions for ourselves. No-one would mind being a machine if they were a creative machine, and a love machine. When life is the self-expression of creativity and love you won’t need the psuedo-freedom of choice and agency. Life would be explosive creativity and love, involuntarily, compulsively, necessarily. A bit like ideal sex. Would you want free choice in the middle of such sex? Then why imagine it is freedom in life? When you see clearly there is no thought process called ‘choice’ anyway.

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By: Birdsong Mon, 10 Jun 2024 23:27:20 +0000 Children who experience serious and/or chronic adverse experiences are usually too young to process it in a way that doesn’t compound the trauma, so the feelings surrounding it are diverted to the unconscious, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as this protects the conscious mind from being overwhelmed by situations too painful to face (process) in the present.

But traumatic memories have a way of erupting in adulthood, as long-suppressed feelings at some point usually demand some form of expression that is sometimes helpful, and sometimes not.

But this is not a pathological process either way, and both helpful and unhelpful expression deserve to be respected for what they are: ways of coping with buried feelings.

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