Comments on: Global Mental Health Leaders Shift Away from Biomedical Model Towards Rights-Based Approaches Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Mon, 10 Jun 2024 18:06:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry Cox Mon, 10 Jun 2024 18:06:23 +0000 These are a lot of fancy words. But who with any real economic or political power will go along with these ideas?
1) They show no real understanding of the mind (and consciousness, as mentioned earlier).
2) We have no track record of solving the problems of human-on-human violence, which is probably associated with point 1.

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By: Birdsong Tue, 04 Jun 2024 20:29:47 +0000 First things first:
Transforming ‘mental health’ can’t happen without a wholesale dumping of ‘bio-psychiatry’s’ bogus medical model which has to include its dumb-shit DSM as well as the now common practice of knee-jerk prescribing. And the only way this will happen is if people in society start to address the things mentioned above because goodness knows psychiatry will never do it.

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By: No-one Tue, 04 Jun 2024 17:27:16 +0000 In reply to No-one.

I speak about it in more depth here. The problems in psychiatry demonstrate and help to explain the central crisis facing humanity and civilization as a whole. It is a crisis of consciousness…

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By: Damink Tue, 04 Jun 2024 16:15:05 +0000 Yes

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By: No-one Tue, 04 Jun 2024 13:04:14 +0000 But a right’s based approach isn’t sufficient either, is it. The first thing to have is a fundamental UNDERSTANDING of the problem we call mental illness, and understanding is through perception, not through intellectualization or an accumulation of data. Who is the one that can begin to perceive and understand, purely objectively, the primary phenomena of the mental illness? Actually, it is us ourselves, and this is what I see.
The brain is a fantastically complex, incedable bit of machinary, a complete miracle of Mother Nature. Now, typically, brains in nature don’t go mad without some pathogen or some pathogenic process caused by an outside agency – exceptions include trauma, and no doubt there are other rare problems. But the brain of human beings have been subject to a vastly expanding, vastly complexifying, ever more demanding and insane and complex and contradictory social and historical totality that outwardly, we call civilization, and inwardly, we call the socially conditioned mind or brain. The brain has had to adapt to this radical change in the social and psychological environment and the fact that it is no longer capable of assimiating and adjusting to the blind, cancerously growing ever more demanding society is in the fact that not just mental illness has seen an astonishing rise, which psychiatric medicine plays a part, but also the rise of drug and alcohol addiction, the rise of self harm and eating disorders which are not generally caused by psychiatric medicine, the proliferation of porn and all manner of corrupt and vampiric behaviour, and the fact that out of our greed and confusion we can’t stop ourselves destroying the Earth and all our children’s futures, and we have created an insane society which then treats THEM, who are the fact, the actual, who are Mother Nature struggling but failing to adjust to this insane society, it treats THEM as insane, and itself as the expert. Expert in what? Confusing and ruining brains, because all of our brains have been confused and ruined, and all our emotions and instincts have been perverted and destroyed, by this disease process called civilization which is destroying the Earth, humanity, both within and without.
Now, we are not just thinking. We are seeing, feeling, aware creatures. Awareness cannot go mad – it is the simple capacity to see what is, to put it crudely. It is unbiased. It can never be insane. I’ve had the worst ‘psychosis’ you can imagine, but it isn’t a ‘psychosis’ because a ‘psychosis’ is an intellectual concept invented by psychiatry. I watched the non-ordinary psychological phenomena you call a psychosis and I find that awareness itself is the point of stability, of clarity, of invulnerability. The only challenge is that the experiences can be so overwhelming they can overcome this awareness and cause intense physiological and cognitive panic that sets of the uncontrollable urge to escape, but you can never escape your own consciousness, so that need to escape is pathological. But we would not need to escape if we had a supportive and understanding society who looked after us at such times, and made us feel safe and loved.
I want to suggest if every child is made to feel safe, loved, and free just to be what they are, they would never develop an addiction or mental illness, would never become violent or destructive, because these things come out of social trauma. If a dog is mistreated and becomes violent we blame it on the owners, but if a child becomes violent or an addict we blame them on themselves, and say they should be other then they are. But that is the most insane thing in the world, because each one of us is the fact, the actual, the truth, the real living example of an actual human being. Think how insane it is to believe intellectually thatt this reality, this irreducable fact, shouldn’t be what it is, and should magically be something other then it is, namely, what society thinks it should be. Now that is one insane, psychotic society.
All children, animals, and natural human beings are beautiful things, happy things, perfect things, gentle things. We destroy them with the products of social historical development which swell into a monstrous society that conditions the brain. Eventially that social and intellecual system, which is all one, destroys the Earth and the whole of humanity. What then? We will destroy ourselves as a civilization because it has now become a disease process destroying us all. But we needn’t destroy ourselves as natural human beings who love and care for one another, and who realize that all we need is food, love and each other, and that when all creatures love all creatures, all creatures will know security, and there will be no mental illness or addiction, and there would be freedom. But this requires the destruction of the social conditioning in the brain, the social process and it’s effects on the brain. This demands to be utterly free of the thought machine controling us. The psychosis can help you slip out of it’s grasp if we understand it as a society, but if we don’t, the psychotic is extremely lucky to escape from a psychosis without becoming either a twitching mass of cells, or a corpse. And if we let it, society will destroy Mother Earth, and it’s ruins will become her funeral mask.


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By: Michael Freeman Tue, 04 Jun 2024 11:07:02 +0000 Very good development if the will is there to carry it through. The sentence … “… collusion of the health-care system with commercial interests”. Should read “collusion of the health-care system with organised crime”. Pharma has more than proven that it is in fact organised crime by this point.

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