Comments on: Art as Clinical Method: The Radical Legacy of Nise da Silveira in Brazilian Psychiatry Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Fri, 24 May 2024 17:37:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Someone Else Fri, 24 May 2024 01:38:06 +0000 “The hospital reinforces the pathology because it does not help to re-establish the connections between the patient and their milieu, from which they were separated because of the pathology. […]” Or for any other unethical reason any doctor chooses … like profiteering off of covering up easily recognized malpractice, or medical evidence of child abuse, in the patient’s child’s medical records … a systemic problem for the DSM “bible” billers.

“The hospital becomes an extremely efficient apparatus for the chronification of pathology.” Indeed. Especially for the criminal doctors, like my former – now FBI convicted – hospital doctor.

“Miguel writes that [Nise da Silveira’s] idea of creating a museum inside the hospital blurs the boundaries between the inside and outside and makes madness visible to the public.” My artwork does that, too. But it is “too truthful” for the non-medically trained “mental health professionals,” who are seemingly largely in denial about the iatrogenic illness creation systems of today’s psychiatric “profession.”

… not medically trained so called “professionals,” who want to “maintain the status quo,” at least that’s the case in the US.

Many thanks to all the non-American critical psychiatry and psychology people, from other countries, that are helping to point out the systemic and continuing crimes of the mainstream DSM “bible” billers of the US … and, of course, many thanks to you, Ally, for bringing this subject up.

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