Comments on: Adverse Childhood Experiences Linked to ADHD Symptoms Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Thu, 23 May 2024 18:05:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kevin Smith Thu, 23 May 2024 18:05:35 +0000 In reply to Patrick D Hahn.

Thank you for writing this much needed book Patrick!

To piggy back to my general comment:

In last weeks New Yorker, the article “The Battle for Attention” cites a medical software company (Epic), writing that the ADHD diagnosis “tripled between 2010 and 2022”, “the biggest uptick being elementary school children”. I mention this because its utterly impossible for a psychiatric diagnosis supposedly originating from ones bio-physiology, and from which effectively doesn’t have (“actual”) environmental causes (psychiatry’s platitudes notwithstanding), to triple in 12 years. ADHD can’t be both an individual “medical” problem and a social phenomena.

Though this statistic didn’t surprise me in the least, it did lead me to think that the ADHD diagnosis (including self diagnosis viz the growing linguistic colonization, etc.) is becoming so saturated in our world-while continuing unabated, that at some point the acronym ADHD won’t mean anything… I can more than imagine this scenario coming to fruition, including the backlash at its 50 year con job.

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By: Patrick D Hahn Wed, 22 May 2024 09:40:04 +0000 There is no “ADHD.” There are any number of reasons why a given child might have problems with distraction or inattention. Far better t identify the source of a child’s problems and address that, than to attribute those problems to some mythical disease entity, the existence of which has never been demonstrated.

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By: liberationfromdrugs Wed, 22 May 2024 07:33:35 +0000 The American medical journalist Arthur Firstenberg, “The invisible Rainbow”, has a completely different view of ADHD. Our nervous system is electrical and what causes illness in us is, in his opinion, induced by electricity from the environment. He describes the history of electricity and the development of illnesses.
A very interesting aspect, in my opinion.

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By: Gerard Tue, 21 May 2024 23:41:49 +0000 As long as we consider “ADHD” as a neurodevelopmental disorder with biological underpinnings, we do not have to take accountability for the circumstances children are raised in or what they are exposed to. Very convenient for parents, foster parents, group homes, child protection agencies, schools, etc.

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By: Gerard Tue, 21 May 2024 22:56:01 +0000 Most of the so-called psychiatric diagnoses are simply different manifestations of trauma and adversity, but unlike actual medical professions, psychiatry has never been interested in causes, only “symptoms” that need to be done away with and as such they can justify their existence.

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By: Someone Else Tue, 21 May 2024 22:03:01 +0000 Is there any of the “invalid” “mental illnesses” that is not linked to ACEs or trauma?

It seems the answer to that question is NO. And all this ACEs covering up is by DSM design, since the “mental health” workers can’t even honestly bill to help child abuse survivors.

But since almost all children on the planet were abused with the Covid measures (masks, etc.), it sure does seem that we need a whole lot of caring people, who actually want to honestly help child abuse survivors heal. Instead of the “mental health” industries continuing to profiteer off of silencing child abuse and rape survivors which, of course, also aids and abets the child abusers … to the point we are here:

It’s not time to “maintain the status quo.” It’s time for a paradigm change, “mental health” industries, including the child abuse covering up and abusing, Child Protective Services (CPS) industry.

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