Comments on: Wunderink: Antipsychotics Can Be Tapered Safely Without Increasing Relapse Risk Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Tue, 28 May 2024 13:05:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ruth Smith Tue, 28 May 2024 13:05:00 +0000 Thank you for the article but when are the prescriptions going to stop? People given contaminated blood products have been recognised and hopefully will be compensated. When are these prescribed drugs going to be recognised as extremely harmful to many people over many years? This is not accidental – it is intentional and produces harm to many and profits to the producers and distributors. We need action to stop this harmful practice!

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By: Sandy Steingard Mon, 27 May 2024 12:59:53 +0000 This comports with my own experience. Trying to figure out the minimal effective dose for each individual is a harm reduction approach. A “relapse” for one person may not confer the same risks as it does for another. Also, the risk of a resurgence of psychosis may change as the dose is reduced so a person might chose a goal of getting to a low dose where there are fewer unpleasant effects rather than stopping completely. Open discussions about the known and unknown risks is valuable. I have also found that shifting to a drug-centered (vs disease-centered) discussion of drug effects (as Joanna Moncrieff has described) is helpful.

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By: Donna Phillips Mon, 27 May 2024 08:10:51 +0000 Cellular level suffocation from both buildup of blood co2 and lack of o2 to cause dizziness 10x to 20x per day.

Enough is enough really.
All for withdrawal from these psych drugs at this stage.
SpO2 hitting 93%
It is not happening to me, God willing won’t, but I have the trauma of witnessing it vicariously for one thing.
So strange.

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By: Donna Phillips Mon, 27 May 2024 07:17:02 +0000 A drop in saturated blood oxygen is a bothersome result of psych drug therapy. It happens over time despite exercise. It causes dizziness on standing when spO2 is at 94 or 93 %, so a drop of 2% below normal parameters.

At 88 % you are in Big Trouble and do not hesitate to call an ambulance.

The risk is hypoxia to organs.

I am writing to you to confirm that learning to withdraw while you are able to is better for your body/brain function.
If you experience dizziness and have been told it is an anxiety symptom, ask to have your spO2 analyzed or measured. Normal range 100%- 95 %. I find exercise a great help, also hydration, and having a personal oxymeter. (Or oximeter)

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By: Someone Else Tue, 21 May 2024 22:40:39 +0000 In reply to Meg.

I’ve been off all psych drugs since 2009. And I will say, Meg, I do think you are going about weaning off the psych drugs in the correct way. I’m glad you’re doing well.

But I will forewarn you, my former psychiatrist spent 3 years weaning me off the psych drugs, once he stopped getting all his misinformation about me, from a pathological lying, child abuse covering up psychologist, according to my child’s and my medical records. But even a very slow taper can result in a “drug withdrawal induced super sensitivity manic psychosis” … so just be forewarned.

God bless, and know it is possible to get off the antipsychotics, Meg. I did it long ago, with no help, and so can you, with your knowledge of the truth. And thank you Peter and Dr. Wunderink for your truth seeking research and reporting.

Hopefully, the tapering strips can prevent a “drug withdrawal induced super sensitivity manic psychosis.” They didn’t exist in 2009.

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By: Peter C. Groot Mon, 20 May 2024 21:04:02 +0000 Gradual and papering of antipsychotics is practically possible using tapering strips:

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By: Meg Mon, 20 May 2024 11:50:48 +0000 As someone taking a lower dose of Zyprexa for over three years, I can say I’ve been doing much better than when I was on three or four drugs at a time in higher doses. Of course, other things, like a community that enriches my life is super important. I was misdiagnosed with Bipolar at thirteen. I’m autistic.
I have tried three times to taper too fast my antipsychotics, all ending up with me experiencing super sensitivity psychosis, in the hospital. Horrible. No way to advocate for myself.

Thankfully, I found a psychiatrist in 2020 who listened to me and brought my dose of Zyprexa down to 5 mg. I had cut from 30 mg, in the hospital, to 20, to 15, then to 10. My doctor then prescribed the 10 for me and then prescribed the 7.5, then the 5 mg. Last October I cut my 5 mg pill in half, eight days later, two nights with zero sleep, ended up in the hospital. Horrible. But my doctor didn’t let them increase or change meds. Went back home, titrated up to 7.5 but then back to 5mg.
I’m doing well. Very important to slow taper. I’m looking into the Dutch “Rainbow Pharmacy” to do tapering strips. Was thinking of taking one year to slow taper to 2.5 mg, and then to take a break. Anyone on here still on meds but at a lower dose?

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