Comments on: Pittsburgh First-Episode Program Leads to New Developments in Psychosis Care Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Fri, 10 May 2024 17:19:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Diaphanous Weeping Wed, 08 May 2024 21:50:22 +0000

My fìrst episode of psychosis was actually my well brain having future prophetic visions. At the start of this millennium I was contacted by a higher source who said that Climate
Change was fast becoming a global emergency but that for a decade or so the Climate scientists would be mocked, ridiculed, not listened to. Their models were also underestimating the dire tipping points. By the time scientists would be believed humanity would face chaotic climate changes. A need to believe that a Deity and religion would sort it out by doing miracles would see masses of populations becoming devout. Revolutions and a Tyranical Regime with a ghastly dictator would arise. Lawlessness would increase in some places. Totalitarianism in others. The AMOC ocean gyres would shut down, leading to Ice Age conditions in Europe after increasing heat. Drought would affect Southern regions. Famines will occur. The West is over. An increase in degredation of humanity will occur. Five small meteors will impact Earth and cause massive tidal waves that will rearrange cities in some places. It is essential to be prepared for the shock of it. Learn practical strategies to do if such flooding comes. There shall “only” be five meteors. People can survive all of this. There is good in the future but before then there are these “breakings” that will come before then. I do not know exactly when the events will occur but I was told that the Hoover Dam is going to be carpet bombed, and so if this happens, it can be a sign to prepare for the other events. If choosing a new house to rent get on more elevated land. Lots of social disruption builds anxiety and anger erupts from that uncertainty. Everyone is picking fights with everyone over nonsensical issues or insecurity. Learn to let bickering wash over you and dont get involved. Stay calm and collected. Live joyfully in the day and dont overthink tomorrow. A peaceful haven in the future is coming because Man is very Clever.

Well, I was told all of these predictions. And one about the global pandemic already came true. I was told that fifteen years ago. Contamination was the word. Nobody believed me.

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