Losing You by Alshaad Kara

If destiny had a choice,
Sufferings would not be chosen
Yet the pain is a consistent
Dream that refuses to elope
With the night.

Strength comes from weakness
Blossoming as a laceration
Which never heals
Despite being wounded.

The central nature of life
Embodies silence
In its concealing voice.

Thoughts are burnt
With a forgetful tone
Unable to challenge
The intrinsic love
Brought forward.

It baffles the expectation
Suppressing the hopes
Fuming once in a while..

Leading to the fate’s
In the waves
Gliding to the glaciers
Of our own world.


Alshaad Kara is a Mauritian poet who writes from his heart. He won first place for the Boney Cultural Center Valentine’s Day Poetry Competition 2024 and was also a winner of the Flapper Press Poetry CafĂ© Valentine’s 2024 Juliet Poetry Contest. His latest poems were published in Salt Pages, Inner Child Press and Missives.

Poet’s Instragam: @alshaadkara1


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