poem by ElizaM

You can say it’s for drugs and think what you want, but drugs are no substitute for love.
Think what you will and say what you may, there ain’t no love in that pill.
They poke you and prod you and call you a liar,
then give you some shit gets you higher.
Having known you now for fifty minutes they look you up in the DSM and
become your new supplier!
It’s for your own good. You have to let them help you (kill yourself). Everybody
wants you to (kill yourself).
They’ve all decided something is wrong with you and only psychiatry can fix it. If
you’re resistant, they can always increase the dose, or add something else and
just mix it. That way it’s impossible to know which medicine is doing what, and
easy to keep convincing you you’re sick.
Take only as prescribed kids (no matter how strung out you are)!
Do not change the dose without talking to your physician.
Do not discontinue without the approval of your physician.
Unless you develop a rash.
If you develop a rash, discontinue immediately!
May cause heartburn, nausea, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea, stroke, heart
attack, deep vein thrombosis, headaches, and constipation.
Your doctor will decide if the risks outweigh the benefits for you.
May cause suicidal ideation. Family will see that as further evidence that you’re
crazy. So will the medical establishment.
And by now, so will you. You’re trapped! But you didn’t start out that way. They
could’ve helped you, and they didn’t. They were glad it was you and not them.
Remember; there aint no love in that pill.


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Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussionā€”broadly speakingā€”of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.


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