Alice W. Lee, MD, ABIHM is a holistic and integrative psychiatrist practicing in Gaithersburg, Maryland, who combines nutritional medicine (orthomolecular psychiatry), energy medicine, and other alternative therapies in the holistic and integrative treatment of mental health conditions. Her training in child, adolescent & adult psychiatry and her clinical experience with prescription medications allow her to:
- Facilitate natural, rapid, and safe recovery from mental illness before resorting to the use of prescription medications.
- Reduce or eliminate the need for prescription medications.
- Tailor the treatment to the unique needs of each patient.
- Educate everyone about effective, safe, and natural healing approaches.
- Minimize withdrawal symptoms from medications.
- Allow for safe medication reduction prior to pregnancy.
- Reduce postpartum depression and anxiety.
- Provide young children with mental health issues a medication-free option.