Comments on: Who is Forgotten in the Deficit Framing of Global Mental Health? Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:16:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: No-one Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:16:47 +0000 There is no such thing as ‘mental illness’ which is a totally undefined and pretty meaningless term. What we actually have are the large spectrum of social traumas, baring in mind that the social conditioning of the brain and therefore the neurology and physiology of the natural organism is part of the problem we call ‘mental illness’. If we look at examples of children first: getting bullied for being over-weight, or somehow different, that is a social trauma. Bullying parents is social trauma. Racism is a social trauma. Poverty and the judgement it brings is social trauma. Parents not loving you is social trauma. All forms of abuse are social trauma. Failing at school and feeling stupid and worthless is a social trauma. Having no friends at school is a social trauma. Having a parent who is an alcoholic or addict, or who goes to prison, is a social trauma. And these are all ubiquitous in our society.

Of course there are more grave traumas. Having to live in a car or motel room is an appalling social trauma. Ging hungry too, or seeing your single parent disintegrate into stress and dysfunction because of money worries that is ruining her life and health. Going to care or foster home is a terrible social trauma – a third of British care leavers who leave care between the ages of 16 and 18 end up sleeping on the streets within two years: I don’t know what the figures are in America, but MOST people in the care system in America are on psychiatric drugs, so i understand.

These traumas have extraordinarily complex impacts on every system within the human being, both biological, neurological, emotional, mental, and beyond, and the truth is that only perception can begin to discover through observation what these are, and through understanding they can be healed, which is the principle in every kind of talking therapy, meditative approach and spiritual forms of therapy – and these produce much better long term outcomes then those put on chronic psychiatric drugs. But if we actually understood that the terrain that the problem occurs – within our own consciousness – is the only terrain that needs to be observed and understood, then we would radicalize our approach and understanding to mental health and the whole field of psychiatry and mental health care would become redundant. Why?

Because it is so patently obvious that social traumas including the psychological traumas that arise as a consequence of our socially conditioned thinking and self-judging, and the delusions within that social conditioning, produce what we call ‘mental illness’, and if each of you can’t frankly admit that to yourself, then I don’t understand what is wrong with our brains. Obviously the only sane thing to do is admit this and to suspect that every single case of what we call ‘mental illness’ is highly likely to be explicable in terms of such traumas, and if this is so, just look at the utterly profound disease of psychiatry and all our discourses and practices around ‘mental health care’. It is a vast, momumental, enormous scandal, an enormous crime, an enormous social scandal, a vast human rights abuse because we’re ruining brains by the hundreds of millions, perhaps a billion, every single day.

And if every child felt safe, secure, loved and able to be themselves, do you really believe they would what we call ‘mental health problems’, or addiction problems, or violent behaviour? These are evidence of the physiological, psychological and spiritual injuries caused by brutal social experiences in a blind and destructive social historical system that depends on illusion and includes the socially conditioned mind and brain. And the only truly human treatment for any adult with mental would be the obvious response of love: to make them feel safe, supported, to be in an atmosphere of social affection, to able to be themselves and go through what they need to go through. And I know this is the truth, but the truth behind what we call ‘mental illness’ doesn’t just condemn psychiatry – it condemns the whole of society, indeed the whole of civilization. I can’t argue this over and over again, but what if I am right? What do Mad In America and critical psychiatrists do?

The article above to me is of no value whatsoever because it accepts the principle of clinical ‘care’, but care without affection or understanding is not care: what we call psychiatry and mental health care is all harm in disguise, because it is concealing the real problem – the social process and the rapidly evolving social and psychological conditions – and blaming it on the brains of our children. None of you are confronting this at all. You can’t go there. You can only suspect it might be true: you can’t say it is so. Why not? Because society is so far behind understanding the total social process they are caught up in, which includes the brain. So what do we do? What can we do? Absolutely nothing. We have to end this process that is destroying the Earth and humanity but we never will in time, obviously. Just see what is as it is. Don’t fool yourselves. So what do we do? What can we do but see the truth of it all, and then there is something new: then there is more energy: then there is more urgency, clarity, passion etc: then there is far more energy, gravity and seriousness, and it is this energy, urgency, and clarity that is our only hope. It requires freedom from all social attachments, and all form of social control including intellectual regulation or control of the organism. And the population at large can never and will never do this. So I’m afraid their brains are as good as chopped liver, and I really mean that. They are conditioned by and adjusted to a system that is destroying them and us all. They have no future. It is this serious if you ask me, and what we call ‘mental illness’ pales in comparison to the universal mental sickness of our socially conditioned mind and brain which makes us confused, striving, unhappy egoists who cannot stop themselves destroying the Earth out of their eternally unquenched greed. I say again, this is how things are. You may or may not see it. But if you don’t, suppose I am right – what do we actually do? There is nothing but hopes and ideas that can be used to answer that question. I wonder if anyone sees all this.

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