Comments on: Borderline Personality Disorder Diagnosis Often Used to Discredit Patient Experiences Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Mon, 10 Jun 2024 21:29:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: No-one Mon, 10 Jun 2024 21:29:06 +0000 I use my eyes and see and say, so see if what I say is true. It’s about the truth of health, whether mental, biological, emotional, ecological, social, global. Now, is this so?…..

We don’t need to try and understand how to be healthy, because imagine asking any creature of nature “how do you keep healthy”? Nature IS freedom IS health. All creatures of nature know how to be healthy and after billions of years of evolution, it would be strange if nature had not nailed down health as the fundamental ground of all sentient life. So the question is not how to find health but how have we destroyed it, in every way conceivable.

Health and freedom imply each other. Freedom is absolutely essential for health, because only in freedom can intelligence, whether the intelligence of the body or of understanding itself, do what it needs to do in order to stay healthy. On the biological level we call this homeostasis, and we see homeostasis not just in the ecosystem and in the body and cell and atom, we see it in Mother Earth herself and in the solar system and throughout the whole Universe. This is health – balance, and the forces maintaining that balance. The balance is disrupted when a life system is subject to, is being dominated or infected by, something other then itself, which, for Mother Nature and human beings, is social historical accumulation through time – civilization outwardly, and the intellect or socially conditioned thinking mind within. This produces all insanity, i.e. nature distorted, confused, perverted by a social historical process that doesn’t understand it.

Our minds are destroyed by opinions, conclusions, theories, political convictions, all the useless paraphanalia of our culture, and if you took it all out of the mind there would no longer be a ‘me’ at all. The body has no chance of having the freedom to maintain health in its own wordless, natural way because it has no autonomy, no freedom, and so much is imposed on it that it must adjust to which has nothing to do with its health and which has no understanding of its complex, subtle, wordless needs. Same too with our feelings, emotions, instincts, energies, spirits, or animal spirits, or whatever you want to call these things, which are compromised, deranged, perverted, destroyed, or co-opted by a blind social process that again, has no understanding of the nature or needs of these energetic movements. But whatever we call them, they are facts, not negotiables. Living with them rather then repressing them, observing and understanding them as you would te changing weathers, brings calm and healing to the life energies and this is balance, health.

Inbalance is over-riding them with aggressive, striving energy generated by social illusions, or depleting them so much that they barely have the energy to lumber on mechanically, with the former inevitably leading to the latter, something psychiatrists call ‘bipolar disorder’ but which they have no understanding of. The Hindu’s understood it 5,000 years ago. They referred to the three gunas, or three states of our lives and consciousness. One is rajistic, meaning fiary, energetic, and stimulants increase this tendency. This is us over-riding our natural needs with aggressive energy. Then there is the tamasic, meaning death, where there is insufficient energy to change and barely enough to go forward, let alone trasncend the past in any way. Then there is balance, where there is a watching of consciousness which naturally corrects any veering off to one extreme or the other. The awareness or attention requires demands the energy of care or passion or interest to maintain it, and much is generated by the natural organism. If we are unhealthy, as society makes us, we are barely able to maintain this posture and are stuck in a pathological egoistic striving or crushed in a destroyed ego which in some way or another has been sloughed off of the social wheal by this cruel, inhuman, unnatural and destructive world.

What is my expertise? My expertise is perfect and complete, because I am an actual human being, a real one, just like you. There is no other way to understand the Universe then to understand you. How can you understand anything at all if you don’t understand you? An infinity of psychiatrists could never understand you and are merely an infinity of spectacles and brief cases anyway.

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By: Birdsong Sun, 09 Jun 2024 16:27:09 +0000 In reply to KateL.

A borderline diagnosis stands alone in its ability to damage a person’s reputation.

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By: Birdsong Sun, 09 Jun 2024 15:55:08 +0000 In reply to KateL.

Agree 100%.

Getting labeled with most any DSM diagnosis is a great way to lose your credibility, which is why they’re so useful to clinicians looking to discredit ‘patients’ that are unhappy with their ‘treatment’.

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By: KateL Sun, 09 Jun 2024 02:43:16 +0000 All DSM diagnosis are invalid and stigmatizing. BPD, in addition to being invalid, is also more punitive than almost every other DSM diagnoses.

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By: Birdsong Sun, 09 Jun 2024 00:56:08 +0000 In reply to KateL.

Neither. Labeling people as ‘borderline’ is an act of passive aggression.

The people who conjured it up must have been filled with latent hostility.


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By: Someone Else Sat, 08 Jun 2024 22:56:14 +0000 In reply to Marie Lutz.

“There’s no reason to believe that someone diagnosed with BPD would be better off if they were told they have autism, bipolar disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder or PTSD.”

I agree, all the DSM disorders are scientifically “invalid,” and the above mentioned “diseases” tend to come with a lot of forced druggings (mostly anticholinergic toxidrome poisonings).

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By: KateL Sat, 08 Jun 2024 15:16:19 +0000 Articles like this one and the other recent one saying “why you don’t want a BPD dx” are so full of contradictions as to be meaningless. The other article recommends patients tell their treatment provider that they don’t want the diagnosis where here it says that not wanting the diagnosis is seen as evidence of the diagnosis’ validity.

How can a patient have “lived experience of BPD” when the diagnosis has no validity?

“This seems to be one of the greatest dangers of the construct. BPD pathologizes an individual rather than a condition and frames the “symptoms” as inherent to their character, unlike other non-personality disorders such as depression or OCD”

Is BPD a construct or a condition?

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By: KateL Fri, 07 Jun 2024 19:19:26 +0000 “Rather, it is a recognition that the BPD construct often hinders access to help and ripples into unintended areas of life and that, more than 40 years after BPD was first introduced in DSM-III as a patchwork solution that pleased no one, we can do better. Getting rid of the BPD label can be framed as a win-win for all.”

This is incredibly naive. It assumes that MH professionals are always well intentioned. This is obviously not the case. The fact is that often mental health professionals need a handy weapon in the form of a highly stigmatized and criminalized diagnosis to either threaten a patient with or actually use against a patient who has already suffered some form of malpractice. Borderline personality disorder diagnosis is a very useful “tool” for people who work in the system and they are not going to just give it up.

It’s no accident that when they write that diagnosis in our medical records the way we are treated in all health care settings is greatly negatively affected, as other articles on this website have already established.

As long as we pretend that everyone working in the system only ever means well, nothing will ever change.

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By: KateL Fri, 07 Jun 2024 19:14:22 +0000 “The result is a seemingly endless debate that pleases no one.”

I don’t know about that. I’ve met some mental health professionals who relished being enabled to define “borderline” any way they see fit.

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By: KateL Fri, 07 Jun 2024 19:05:06 +0000 Yale Psychiatric Ward uses Standard Insurance Co to cover for their malpractice and blame the patient for the iatrogenic injury Yale doctors inflict.

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By: Marie Lutz Fri, 07 Jun 2024 13:06:13 +0000 Riddle contends that borderline personality disorder lacks scientific validity. Unfortunately all DSM disorders fit into that category because the “diseases” are voted on by committees, who are often influenced by the pharmaceutical industry.

There’s no reason to believe that someone diagnosed with BPD would be better off if they were told they have autism, bipolar disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder or PTSD. All these “diseases” are problematic.

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By: KateL Fri, 07 Jun 2024 12:40:21 +0000 Too late for many of us, even if they do remove the label. I will be 60 and my body and spirit were broken by this label — as well as the ECT and coerced polypharmacy. I was treated terribly at Yale Psych Ward and other wards. I was told things like, “you have borderline personality disorder. That’s why the ECT didn’t work.”. Then immediately the antipsychotic started.

Now I am about to lose my disability because I don’t have a doctor who will write down on a form that I am an unrecovered borderline. I stopped going to the doctor years ago after finally accepting that it only led to harm.

I doubt they’ll ever remove the diagnosis. Or they might and replace it with something worse. It’s a very effective weapon against patients who may have a malpractice claim.

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