We Need to Treat BPD for What It Really Is – a Response to Trauma


From The Conversation: “We have come a long way since the days of viewing ‘mental illness’ as a sign of weakness, but we are lagging behind in our attitude towards BPD. At least part of this stems from the way we frame the condition, and from the name itself.

Rather than as a personality disorder, BPD is better thought of as a complex response to trauma. It’s time we changed its name.

How common is BPD?

BPD is strikingly common, affecting between 1% and 4% of Australians. It is characterised by emotional dysregulation, an unstable sense of self, difficulty forming relationships, and repeated self-harming behaviours.

Most people who suffer from BPD have a history of major trauma, often sustained in childhood. This includes sexual and physical abuse, extreme neglect, and separation from parents and loved ones.

This link with trauma – particularly physical and sexual abuse – has been studied extensively and has been shown to be near-ubiquitous in patients with BPD [yet] the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) does not mention trauma as a diagnostic factor in BPD, despite the inextricable link . . .

What could a name change do?

Explicitly linking BPD to trauma could alleviate some of the stigma and associated harm that goes with the diagnosis, leading to better treatment engagement, and better outcomes . . .

Thinking about BPD in terms of its underlying cause would help us treat its cause rather than its symptoms and would reinforce the importance of preventing child abuse and neglect in the first place.”

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  1. “We Need to Treat BPD for What It Really Is – a Response to Trauma.” Given the reality that today, “the prevalence of childhood trauma exposure within borderline personality disorder patients has been evidenced to be as high as 92% (Yen et al., 2002). Within individuals diagnosed with psychotic or affective disorders, it reaches 82% (Larsson et al., 2012).”


    Absolutely, treating BPD for what it actually is, is important. But we do have some systemic problems preventing our society from making this needed change.

    1.) We have a group of “mental health” industries, filled with “mental health” workers, who harbor odd delusions that “all distress is caused by chemical imbalances in people’s brains.”

    2.) These huge percentages of child abuse survivors who’ve been misdiagnosed with the other DSM disorders is likely a result of, and this odd “mental health” worker belief system is likely due, at least in part. To the fact that today NO “mental health” worker may EVER bill ANY insurance company for EVER helping ANY child abuse survivor EVER, unless they first misdiagnose them with one of the billable, but scientifically “invalid” DSM disorders.



    Although, our psychologists have been in the child abuse covering up business for over a century, too, so they most certainly are not innocent either. And, trust me, I have recent legal proof they’re still in this business.


    The sad truth is our “mental health” industries are a bunch of, primarily child abuse covering up, scientific fraud based industries. Scientific fraud based industries, whose DSM “bible” is being taught in the seminary schools today, so the mainstream religions have been bought out.

    And since our “mental health” industries are a multibillion dollar group of industries, our society has a multibillion dollar group of child abuse covering up “mental health” industries, who’ve bought out the child abusing mainstream religions. Like my child abuse covering up childhood religion, and everyone knows about the Catholic child abuse covering up problems.



    And, of course, all this systemic child abuse covering up by our “mental health” workers, has led us into – or is a result of the wrong, money created out of nothing, powers that be, being in charge of the satanic systems of this world – a world controlled, by and with, pedophiles and pedophilia. A history of which is described in detail by this ethical “mental health” worker.


    As Chris Hedges points out, “We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.”

    We need systemic changes in this world, in many industries. But, first and foremost, we need to get the never ending war mongering and profiteering, fiscally irresponsible, bailout needing, “banks steal $trillions worth of houses” globalist banksters, who create money out of nothing, out of control of the monetary systems of this world, including the USA’s soon to collapse monetary system. We need to start arresting the real criminals.

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  2. BPD is a prominent inhabitant of the diagnostic wastebasket, supported by hearsay. Like the other alleged psychiatric diagnoses, it’s a behavioral description that can arise from multiple origins. Its primary use is to get you kicked out of therapy because the therapist thinks you’re an untreatable (and maybe a shamming) geek who craves attention.

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  3. Trauma as the catch-all cause…? I dunno. Averse childhood experiences are not the cause of averse adult experiences, but they certainly don’t represent a change of course away from them.

    I’d say the best course of action is to dismiss the diagnosis altogether, especially when that diagnosis is one of BPD. When other diagnostic labels can get away with insinuating that the cause is biological (requiring medicine, er, drugs), it is much harder to do so with the much more dubious diagnostic category of so-called “personality disorders”.

    Of course, a person could also spend the rest of their life in “treatment” for being difficult, too, but only if such was their inclination.

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