Comments on: Leaving Biological Psychiatry Behind: An Interview With Rodrigo Nardi Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Tue, 04 Jun 2024 17:47:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Birdsong Tue, 04 Jun 2024 17:47:05 +0000 In reply to Birdsong.

CLARIFICATION: “I’m not saying you should look at your patient and say, ‘Hey, I’m going to offer you this med because this is what my training is about. But I wouldn’t take it because of side effects.’ You don’t have to put it in those words.”

NOT putting it in those words makes this a manipulative exchange rather than what it needs to be: an honest discussion that includes the doctor’s full disclosure as to what he/she would do personally.

And the thinking behind it is both arrogant and insulting: “We as doctors don’t want to unduly influence our patients!” Yeah, right.

It’s typical for doctors to overestimate their influence and underestimate their patient’s ability to decide for themselves what’s best.

I think there’s something radically wrong with doctors who lack the guts to level with ‘patients’ when it comes to ‘medication’ of any kind.

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By: Tom Kelly Sun, 02 Jun 2024 20:23:44 +0000 In reply to Larry Cox.

No, no, no: Thank YOU and Scientology and Hubbard and Szasz and the CCHR, Larry – and MIA, Bob Whitaker and Steve McCrae.

And “apply” early in my previous comment was meant to read “apologize:” sorry!

Best wishes.


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By: boans Sun, 02 Jun 2024 03:33:45 +0000 In reply to Tom Kelly.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Following from the comment by Muhmmad Ali that “No Viet Cong ever called me n%$#@er”.

No Scientologist ever called me [insert psychiatric slander here]

Ali’s comments at the time were not appreciated, mainly because black men were needed to die for white boys to live lives of luxury in Europe etc.

I feel sure that my comments are not appreciated by a world that is profiting from the harm being done by these slanderers and frauds.

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By: Larry Cox Sat, 01 Jun 2024 19:44:41 +0000 In reply to Tom Kelly.

Thank you much for this, Tom.

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By: boans Sat, 01 Jun 2024 15:16:43 +0000 In reply to Birdsong.

“You’d be amazed what some people enjoy doing. Have you met any psychiatrists (or psychologists) socially? Most of them think they are just being “normal” people.”

So did these guys. And no, I wouldn’t wish to spend time with them socially, though I’m sure there were ‘good ones’ among them.

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By: Tom Kelly Sat, 01 Jun 2024 07:09:07 +0000 Larry, I applaud your comments above.

I stand corrected, and apply for my insensitivity.

I happen to be among those very grievously harmed by psycho pharmacology and I feel personally to blame for not having done enough to expose it for what it is to bring about it’s complete implosion long ago.

That said, however, I also believe that to attempt to vilify, demonize or impugn all psychiatrists for continuing to be psychiatrists and for obstinately refusing to see The Truth as I do is arguably to try to do just that which I claim to so abhor and to condemn in them.

I believe the world owes Scientology much for having so assisted Thomas Szasz in publicizing his insights.

I believe it also owes Scientology much for demonstrating how some who feared Dianetics, rather than arguing against it, seem to have successfully resorted to ad hominem attacks on L. Ron Hubbard to try and discredit his ideas.

Ad hominem attacks I believe do not serve us well.

I believe we are all here on Planet Earth to serve one another, and can and do only find our true joy when
doing so.

I believe we all operate out of whatever level of consciousness we find ourselves – that we are all always actually doing the very, very best we know how.

I believe Hubbard saw this, too, from what I have read, but that, like all of us, he, too, forgot it at times.

I am grateful to those who criticized Rod for reminding me very powerfully that he, too, has been doing his best, no doubt, and that he cannot possibly see things as I do.

I have spent the past 15 years trying to get over the bitterness I feel towards all psycho pharmacology, convinced, as I am, that only when I can write with malice towards none and charity towards all can I do my very best to contribute towards ending state sanctioned coercive psychiatry worldwide.

The obvious insensitivity of my remarks, so elucidated by you in a kindly way has shown me I still have much work to do – on moi.

When I tried to blow a whistle on a government animal disease elimination scheme in Ireland, I not only quickly lost virtually everything and found myself locked up and drugged indefinitely, Larry…I also found myself experiencing a karma so exquisite that it still blows my mind -:as I believe those harmful drugs – neurotoxins – to some extent still do 15 years after stopping them abruptly.

I was badly trained as a veterinarian in Ireland. Any compassion and wonder was virtually trained out of me, too. I did not know the first thing about being a vet. (Yep, just as those kids say, “You gave to LOVE animals!”)

Then, guess what?

I find myself incarcerated,connected and drugged by “mental health professionals” who had been abysmally trained and who, for the most part, treated me with neither compassion nor humanity.

If only I could already have written the book to expose all this, but nicely, things might already be very different for a lot of people.

I try. I do my best. But I KNOW that everyone else does, too – “the right-thinking” along with ‘the wrongheaded,” and that it is only woolly mindedness that convinces anyone that any mental disorder or personality disorder exists, just as we once believed “sinfulness” did, too.

Obviously, I don’t know if Jesus of Nazareth ever even lived, let alone said any of the stuff attributed to him.

Presented with a man blind from birth, and asked whose son had caused this calamity – his or his parents’, reportedly Jesus replied,

‘”Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.”‘

Elsewhere, the same Jesus reportedly observed:

“Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”

And elsewhere, again, that “the Kingdom” is within us, and that if our (blind) leaders tell us it is elsewhere, we should not heed them.

If all great spiritual teachers have always taught that our freedom and salvation lies within us all, we must know that those who tell us otherwise cannot possibly have discovered it there, within themselves, for themselves, and so they are to be pitied, sympathized with and HELPED, I suggest, not blamed for their ignorance/forgetfulness.

“No problem is solved at the same level of consciousness which caused it.”

Larry, heartfelt thanks, once more.


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By: Larry Cox Sat, 01 Jun 2024 04:57:30 +0000 In reply to Karl Wick.

Karl, you should really read the book. It’s not that it’s a “sacred text” or anything, but that way you do get it from the horse’s mouth. There are two shorter works, one written for Hubbard’s fiction audience and the other for academics. The first is called “Evolution of a Science” and the other called “Original Thesis.” They are much shorter.

There is at least one video on the church’s streaming channel on the subject. You should find it here: It actually consists of two 15 minute videos.

Yes the commerciality of the church rubs some the wrong way. But these days they advertise much less than the drug manufacturers! Any organization has to make money to survive, just like any individual does. The church actually operates on member donations; it’s a non-profit. Some health care companies are also non-profits, but the live off the insurance system. And these days, come health care companies are for-profit businesses, which I don’t think should be allowed.

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By: Birdsong Sat, 01 Jun 2024 03:40:08 +0000 In reply to Birdsong.

I’ve more than met them, I’m the daughter of one, long since passed away.
The worst are sadistic, while the rest are supremely disconnected, imo. My father was both but could also be incredibly caring and compassionate toward his patients. His family not so much.
At the very least I think they’re all a bunch of oddballs.

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By: Larry Cox Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:40:49 +0000 In reply to Karl Wick, NP.

There are people who comment here who have been so badly burned by the current “mental health” system of wherever they live that they quite convinced the whole thing should be abolished. I am not one of those people, but I don’t blame them for feeling the way they do.

The “mental health” system is not going away, as it is needed. On Earth it is badly off course at this point, as is Medicine, and – frankly – many other human “professional” activities. People on Earth are so ignorant of certain basic truths that it makes them act extremely poorly. Though there are those who prefer it this way, I hope it can be changed to something better.

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By: Larry Cox Sat, 01 Jun 2024 00:35:08 +0000 In reply to Birdsong.

You’d be amazed what some people enjoy doing. Have you met any psychiatrists (or psychologists) socially? Most of them think they are just being “normal” people.

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By: Tom Kelly Fri, 31 May 2024 21:59:15 +0000 In reply to Karl Wick, NP.

“…but… so I’ve got skin in the game,” may be the sanest – i.e. the most self-aware – clause I may ever expect to read on these pages, Karl: thank YOU.

Tom’s Silver Lining, inspired by First Aid Kit, thank you.

My Silver Lining

I may the only one living
Who’s right when he’s wrong though I know
That there sure are some other ones out there
Who’ve still got a long ways to go.

I guess it’s just my silver lining
Being always surrounded fools
And to know that it’s all divine timing
And one day it’s I’ll make the rules.

I’m suspicious of folks suspicious.
The right-minded all think like me.
I alone see what’s truly vicious.
Would that all think like me.

Wrongheaded folk don’t get me.
All should share my lens.
Thank Christ I have no bias.
Not like them and them.

I am conscious of all my unconscious.
My blindspots no longer exist.
Thank God I could never be pompous.
My own poop don’t stink the slightest.

My sense of the absurd is awesome.
How I came to be I don’t know.
But, as God’s gift to Man in the long run,
I’m content to be act part of The Show.

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By: Karl Wick Fri, 31 May 2024 20:51:23 +0000 In reply to Larry Cox.

Do you have anywhere that I could read more about Dianetics in a succinct way and which might lead me to support its use and/or efficacy? My exposure to it has been (almost) nothing. In general I am wary since it is structured as a money-making enterprise, although this criticism could be leveled at many things in our society

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By: Birdsong Fri, 31 May 2024 18:14:25 +0000 In reply to Karl Wick, NP.

Psychiatry is based on the false premise that psychologically troubled people have diseased brains that require psychiatric drugs or other biologically invasive ‘interventions’.

If psychiatry were patient-centered, non-pharma-based, and ‘helpfully practiced’ it wouldn’t be psychiatry.

Most people who work in the psych industry aren’t in a position to see things clearly.

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By: Birdsong Fri, 31 May 2024 16:43:49 +0000 In reply to boans.

Psychiatry uses verbal camouflage to cover its evil deeds.

And when all else fails, many use the word ‘nuance’ to avoid sounding stupid.

And who in their right mind finds psychiatry ‘fun’?

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By: Karl Wick, NP Fri, 31 May 2024 03:28:45 +0000 In reply to Birdsong.

There is a world of difference between patient-centered, non-pharma-based, helpfully practiced psychiatry, and harmful, improperly practiced, treatment-as-usual psychiatry. I would argue that the problem is doing it wrong, not the literal existence of a psychiatrist. But then I’m a psych NP so I’ve got skin in the game

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By: boans Fri, 31 May 2024 00:28:06 +0000 In reply to Birdsong.

“If Nardi’s so fond of truth, why does he practice psychiatry?”

Love it.

It’s like “virtually spotless”, “Light, yet filling” or “military intelligence” (to use the terms of Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy)….. “truthful psychiatry”. Oxymoronic language.

Tell that to the person being subjected to “the elegant method of overcoming resistance” (Frantz Fanon in The Wretched of the Earth) in a place wrongly called a hospital.

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By: Birdsong Thu, 30 May 2024 14:38:50 +0000 In reply to Jennifer Spring.

If Nardi’s so fond of truth, why does he practice psychiatry?

The truth is that truth isn’t always so complicated—if you’re willing face it.

It’s easy for anyone to talk a good game.

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By: Jennifer Spring Thu, 30 May 2024 00:49:56 +0000 Quotes from Dr. Nardi that I most appreciated in this interview:

“What I find is that people are terribly deprived of different basic emotional needs that come right after, in terms of relevance, to the physiological needs. There’s no point in talking about your mother in therapy before we address your solitude, before we address the fact that you have no accomplishments, before we address the fact that human beings need novelty…
I address these things [to the patient] and present my “diagnosis.” I still use the DSM because I need to pay my bills and I cannot send a diagnosis to an insurance company and say, “This patient is deprived of accomplishments, purpose, and social interactions.” So I say whatever DSM-ish form it takes but and I tell the patient, “It’s not something you have. It’s just a name I’m giving to this thing. What you are struggling with is very basic things needed to have a decent life.”

“I believe in one truth, but the truth is so complex and so layered that we don’t ever reach the truth. Truth for us is a path towards truth, and some of us make a life out of that path towards truth.”

“My hope is that folks will have a lot of fun, feel they’re actually helping people without hurting them, and that they will contribute. They’ll say, “I disagree with you, and I have this idea. How do you think this style of practice fits here?”

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By: Tom Kelly Tue, 28 May 2024 03:20:54 +0000 Aw, thank YOU, Larry.

I, for one, most certainly do intend to, thanks to you.

And thanks to Rod, to Brooke and to MIA.

You have already convinced me that we are most surely all in this together, and forever and, in Randy’s words, “in a journey for a friend.”

Much, much love.

Eternal thanks.


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By: Larry Cox Tue, 28 May 2024 01:31:13 +0000 In reply to Tom Kelly.

Getting involved with Scientology does not tend to burden one with “religious scruples.”

I appreciate your kind words.

My sincerest hope is that more people will study Hubbard.

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