Comments on: Deprescribing Psychiatric Drugs to Reduce Harms and Empower Patients: Interview with Psychiatrist Swapnil Gupta Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Wed, 27 Mar 2024 00:54:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Birdsong Wed, 27 Mar 2024 00:54:48 +0000 In reply to Julie.

Most are like kids who don’t like to be told “no”.

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By: Bill Bradford Tue, 26 Mar 2024 20:09:32 +0000 Gupta, thank-you….you’re like a new student in psychiatry, and I’m a long-retired professor.
You’re on the right track.
Psychiatry is a pseudoscience drug racket and social control mechanism. It’s 21st Century Phrenology with potent neurotoxins. Psychiatry has done, and continues to do, FAR MORE HARM than good….So-called “mental illnesses” are exactly as “real” as presents from Santa Claus, but NOT more real. The DSM-5 is best seen as a catalog of billing codes. Everything in it was either invented or created, NOTHING in it was discovered. Think about that a mnute….
YO!, Gupta, rsvp?….I’m a surviving victim of psychiatry…..
Whachew gotta say 2 ME?….

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By: Julie Mon, 25 Mar 2024 14:32:20 +0000 Empowerment means loss of profit and control. Docs don’t like that!

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By: Birdsong Fri, 15 Mar 2024 18:40:09 +0000 Psychiatrists who haven’t fully internalized psychiatry’s punitively narrow tunnel vision are rare indeed.

Swapnil Gupta is one of the rare exceptions.

It may take another generation for there to be more clinicians who practice like she does—intelligently, ethically and compassionately—but I don’t think so, because thanks to the internet the world has changed even though psychiatry refuses to face these things…

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By: KateL Thu, 14 Mar 2024 16:13:30 +0000 I guess I was never lucky enough to have the borderline label removed. That label led to so much additional trauma as well as my being denied trauma therapy repeatedly while I did everything I could to get “stable” during the 15 years post ECT during which the poly-drugging never ceased and there were multiple repeated violations to any sense of safety, all of which went unacknowledged and were twisted into more evidence against me. I could not have been more unlucky as I tried to “get better” during the height of the chemical imbalance theory and unquestioned “Dr knows best” attitude and “the only hope for borderline is DBT” era. At 57, looking back at the detritus of my life, it’s very difficult for me to convince myself there’s a chance of a life of dignity and safety to be had. Every direction I turn is another door closed in my face.

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By: Susan Wed, 13 Mar 2024 16:56:08 +0000 Thank you so much for this interview and for your work toward dignified treatment. We need more Drs who understand that meds are a tool to be used FOR the patient. Not to be used AGAINST the patient.

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By: Birdsong Sat, 09 Mar 2024 03:18:48 +0000 In reply to Someone Else.

IMO there’s no such thing as “psychiatric treatment”, only psychiatric enslavement.

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By: Birdsong Fri, 08 Mar 2024 22:28:32 +0000 “I need to emphasize that I’m not worried about whether you’re taking the medication or not. I’m worried about whether you’re feeling okay or not.”

This is how psychiatry ought to be practiced — if it has to be practiced at all.

Dr. Gupta’s recovery-oriented approach is the only one that makes any sense because healthcare without the dignity of informed choice isn’t healthcare.

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By: Sandy Thu, 07 Mar 2024 21:09:15 +0000 Meds etc

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By: Sandy Thu, 07 Mar 2024 21:08:12 +0000 i need on Bipolar 2

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By: KateL Thu, 07 Mar 2024 05:15:25 +0000 I was left permanently disabled by Yale doctors after ECT and anti-psychotics prescribed for borderline personality disorder and now they’re threatening to take away my disability because apparently they forgot what they did to me. No one ever helped me with withdrawals or deprescribing.

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By: Someone Else Thu, 07 Mar 2024 04:19:16 +0000 In reply to Someone Else.

Nor should forced, or coerced, “treatments” … including untested and experimental “vaccines” … ever be forced and/or coerced, on anyone ever again … let alone the whole of the population of the world. Yet, they were, via the Covid debacle.

IMHO, big Pharma lost their minds, and acted like three year olds, when being confronted with the loss of the scientific validity of their “cash cow” – which is the force drugging, iatrogenic illness creating, psychiatric industry, as I, and others, have previously medically pointed out on this website.

And a confession of big Pharma’s systemic crimes, was actually caught on tape.

Gosh, maybe it’s possible for an ethical, well researched, former marketing major – to help point out the systemic illegal marketing crimes – of big Pharma?

Albeit, while conceding that the “counselor,” who talked me out of being admitted into the architecture school, that I’d been admitted to, when I was a naive young woman, may not have given me bad advice, to encourage me to study business, instead of architecture.

Let’s hope and pray all are some day judged fairly by God … and I’m quite certain He’s been keeping track of the money of the bad globalist banksters’ system, and other bad societal systems … so He may judge all fairly, in His own time.

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By: Someone Else Thu, 07 Mar 2024 02:25:21 +0000 “For another person, that diagnosis and treatment might serve a purpose. But this person is dealing with the voices, and he’s happy living his life the way he’s living it. So, in his case, this tool of psychiatric diagnosis and psychiatric medications are just not useful.”

Excellent point, which points out why psychiatric treatment should not be forced, on anyone ever.

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