Comments on: “Confidential” 988 Conversation Records Shared with Corporations Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Wed, 12 Jun 2024 05:18:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: boans Wed, 12 Jun 2024 05:18:13 +0000 I wonder if some standard questions for these organisations could be developed and posted. I noticed that they simply refer to confusing and misleading “policy Documents” if you ask an open question on social media. Digging into the documents it becomes clear that they are doing the same thing described above……. for example creating the appearance that they are abiding by legislation which doesn’t actually apply (HIPPA)

So what should be asked from these people to ensure confidentiality? And will they simply delete any posts which expose their little but of deception?

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By: Jonnie Arroyo Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:17:18 +0000 I don’t know why you’re even surprised about this. As Americans, we have an expectation of a right to privacy. That was the basis for allowing access to abortion in Roe v. Wade. Well….

We’ve been handing over our privacy all along. The corporations and our government never stopped their surveillance after Edward Snowden exposed what our government was doing and the extension of how much they were doing it.

They fantasy that we are not spied on, through our electronic devices, internet, social media, even our cameras and verbal communications on our Smartphone. There is data gathered when using security systems, and Alexa. if there’s a way to make money off of us by tailoring their marketing or selling our personal thoughts, so be it. The government is not going to say no.

On a recent visit to my doctor there was a person accompanying him. The doctor asked if I would consent to have the visit recorder for AI teaching programs. I promptly replied “no”. Anybody should have the good sense to say no.

I am very more concerned about the people creating AI. These people would not understand normal human communication if it bit them on the arse. They know a lot about computers and programming but lack any common sense. Most remain in their “clique” of fellow programmers and rarely go out and interact in society. Few know the complexities of life outside the bubble.

I doubt that they leave Silicon Valley to go to San Francisco’s poorest neighborhood, the Tenderloin District. Ironically this district is almost across the street from Google, Uber, etc. What AI observations are they learning from homeless people, impoverished people, drug addiction, the resulting brain damage and true mental health issues. IA is only hearing from a few societal few. There is no one IA as a one size fits all. That’s not the human experience. Just as all earlier inventions or technology was shaped by the person who created causing things like racism. Early CCTV was made by white people but didn’t do well with melatonin. Subsequently, black people were being arbitrarily detained in London because facial recognition didn’t work to properly identify black people. I guess CCTV thought all black people look alike.

Furthermore, the creators of AI have no long term understanding of the efficacy of their creation. As most in this industry they are far more driven to advance the greatness of technology without stopping for a second to think about the consequences of their creations. We know now all the harms of social media. Now. From my very limited understanding of Mark Zuckerberg, his “FaceBook” baby was more important than the people who did more to help create it.

When we look at other people involved with huge “technological” breakthroughs they’re not really that great. Elon Musk’s questionable running of Twitter. Sam Bankman-Firied and his glorious Cryptocurrency. All the people in Silcon Valley had his crypto and when that collapsed there was a run on Silicon Valley Bank causing it to be closed. The list goes on Elizabeth Holmes?

As long as the legislature fails to codify Citizen’s United disastrous Suprene Court decision allowing huge corporate campaign donations, we don’t stand a chance. We are being mined. Our data is being stored everywhere in any algorithm. Our crises, our human moments of great vulnerability can be used against us. We are mentally dissected at every turn. Our health information on our watches are sold. Every personal private search we might make to get mental health treatment captured. Our subscribing to Mad In America can make us a target.

There is no privacy in this country. I spoke to an attorney who handles privacy in technology issues. He knows it too. If you want your right to privacy you can move to where there’s less “free speech”.

Our mental health surveillance. Our most scary times, when we are on the brink of ending our lives. When we subscribe to Mad In America. Should we join Benzo Buddies. That not only be confidential it shouldn’t be fodder for computer programmers to think that this is a “fun” new way to use AI. At some point the human experience must remain a private human experience.

Written not proofed

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By: boans Tue, 11 Jun 2024 17:51:23 +0000 On March 2, 2023, the FTC issued a proposed order banning BetterHelp from sharing consumers’ health data with third parties. The order also requires BetterHelp to pay $7.8 million to consumers to settle allegations of revealing consumers’ sensitive data with Facebook, Snapchat, and others. The FTC complaint tied to the proposed order alleges that BetterHelp collected health status and histories, IP addresses, and email addresses from consumers while making repeated promises to keep this information private. The complaint summarizes that “From 2013 to December 2020, however, [BetterHelp] continually broke these privacy promises, monetizing consumers’ health information to target them and others with advertisements for the Service.”

I guess it becomes a matter of doing the math and working out if it is worth violating the confidentiality of people, and paying the rather small fine if you should happen to get caught. 8 million might be small change?

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By: Melpomene Tue, 11 Jun 2024 16:40:22 +0000 In reply to Rob Wipond.

Thank you Rob.
I did have one good experience with a support line in California that was for suicide survivors. It was called “Wings” — but that was 20 years ago. They were very helpful after my husband and youngest brother committed suicide a few months apart in 2002. I was a total wreck.
I’m only slightly better now.

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By: Rob Wipond Tue, 11 Jun 2024 05:17:25 +0000 In reply to Melpomene.

The people running 988 have made it clear that they are quite willing to mislead and deceive, so it’s hard to say if you can really trust if they would shut off the recording. If they state in writing that this option is available in their privacy policy, that would seem to be a better assurance, at least. There are 344 crisis hotlines in America that exist outside the 988 system, and some of them do not engage in call tracing or call recording. But it’s an effort to find them. Three I know are Wildflower Alliance’s hotline, Samaritans NYC, and Trans Lifeline. There are others. But generally, it’s vital for us all to develop more ordinary relationships in our lives where we can comfortably talk honestly and openly with each other without calling 911 or 988 on each other!

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By: Karl Wick, NP Tue, 11 Jun 2024 00:54:37 +0000 Scary! This is some excellent journalistic work bring published here. MIA deserves to have a very prominent place anywhere that psychiatry and mental health are discussed. I believe this reporting does a great job advocating for everyone and anyone who comes into contact with our mental health system.

Also obvious BS that “988 is not mental health treatment” and completely unacceptable that they are getting away with ignoring HIPAA. That is legal maneuvering no more no less.

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By: Melpomene Mon, 10 Jun 2024 23:19:46 +0000 I would like to know: If I were to demand that my call not be recorded and that my conversation be kept private and confidential, would they(988) have to comply? Or could they promise to comply and still record me?
Is there any way I could protect myself from being recorded, having my conversation shared with a third party, or having to identify myself?
Is there any site, whether phone or online, where I could safely go for support?
I don’t feel safe anywhere right now, except for the one person I trust(and she’s 98), and isolated at home with my cat. I can’t even be completely honest with my psychiatrist. I would only be honest with my adult children if they asked, but they are careful not to. Knowing what trauma I have already been through, they understand why I need privacy and the illusion of sanity.

Thank you for this extremely valuable information.
The promise of safety and anonymity is rarely true.

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By: No-one Mon, 10 Jun 2024 20:28:23 +0000 I want to raid your vegetable garden. I want to eat your cabbages, your mushrooms. I want to demolish your butternut squash and shatter your egg plants into the wall. I want to ravage your radishes. I want to kiss your melons and demolish your tomato out of all existence. My banana and two figs smashing against your avocados forever. It’s the bliss of existence. It’s the bliss of extinction. This is one bliss, not two. Extinction is existence – existence extinction. You have to die completely to know what love is. I should have written this down! But I’m not sure it had anything to do with the question. Have a nice day!

Empathy is alienated pain, hence pain slain.

Light is shiny metal. How can you say they are different, actually? The metal is the light – the light, the metal. Two words, one actual. There is only nothingness, light, love, it’s emptiness. Eternal life is dying endlessly, which is bliss. Eternally dying is eternally beginning. The beginningless begings forever.

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By: No-one Mon, 10 Jun 2024 09:14:46 +0000 We are afraid of what we call artificial intelligence, but we don’t realize that the intellect itself and it’s socially conditioned thinking IS artificial intelligence. It is merely the socially conditioned repository of memory, or socially sanctioned perceptions. We have this silent and wordless thing called understanding, which is true intelligence, and it comes from perception, which is the mother of all understanding and indeed knowledge. For knowledge to be, it has to be perceived first, and then remembered. The whole of science is based on perception, and if it didn’t have perception it would be reduced to pure thought without any content. These are facts. AI cannot reproduce intelligence. Like the intellect, it is counterfeit intelligence. When thought ends, intelligence is free and so are you.

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By: boans Mon, 10 Jun 2024 01:44:34 +0000 “Trust in Haste, Regret at Leisure” (from the movie Brazil)

The whole notion of ‘confidentiality’ is a farce.

Think your records are safe? It’s as simple as arranging to have you taken into custody and then your records are public.

Think your safe from arbitrary detentions? Read Mr Wiponds previous article.

It’d be interesting to read the questions asked of these people, and their responses (or lack of them)

Good work exposing the ‘elegant method of overcoming resistance’ (exploitation of trust)

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