The Recidivist by Zak Mucha

Owning just one monkey, if it weighs under
30 lbs., is not illegal in Houston where

neighbors saw a little gray face peeking through the
front room curtains of the guy out on bond since

Christmas for a self-defense sort of homicide
when his full-grown tiger loped like time itself

through the side yard and into the cul-de-sac
with cops yelling at the animal as it followed

his human into a pick-up truck and drove off.
Their lawyer later said just because they

shared a ride doesnā€™t mean they are together.
But now heā€™s got a new lawyer for the monkey.


Zak Mucha, LCSW, is a psychoanalyst and president of the Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis. He is the author of The Ambulatorium and Swimming to the Horizon: Crack, Psychosis, and Street-Corner Social Work.

Poet’s Instagram: @zakmucha


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