Meditations in the Garden of Good and Evil by John-Arthur Ingram

October 15th 3:54am Holiday Inn Express Room 321 or 123

I am death. I am life.
I am Satan. I am God.
I am predator. I am Prey.
I am the serpent. I am the Garden.
I am the Dragon. I am the Swan.
I am the Lion. I am the Lamb.
I am blind. I can see. I am vision.

I am the fulcrum,
the balance
to the
I am Father. I am Son. I am Mother.
I am Anger. I am Calm.
I am Fire. I am Water.
I am Fear. I am Love.
What am I?
What shall the third incarnation be?

I can see in the dark & the light.
I am the Sun & the Moon;
Dawn & Dusk
Twilight & Starlight
Falcon & Star
Swan & Sword
What shall the third incarnation be?

I am the 3rd eye blind
3rd eye opener.

I am wanted Dead or Alive;
Dead and Alive.

I am Man & Woman
Womb & Tomb
The wound & the wounded healer.
The curse & The antidote.
What shall the 3rd incarnation be?

I am the Sacrifice.
I am childless.
Is that my sacrifice?
Which God do I serve?
Are there only 2?
What shall the 3rd incarnation be?
To be or not to be.
To be and not to be.
ā€œHell is empty. All the devils are here.ā€
What shall the Artist do?
What shall the Artist create?
Who shall the Artist serve?


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