Mosquito Mind by Adele Leahy

I question am I the only one?

With an unkind mosquito mind.

My mental health is a sham.

As I abhor who I am.

My pseudo happiness, pretending I am blessed.

Embalming my soul in binging alcohol.

Over pleasing beyond reason.

You must love me, as I do not.

My blindness to my innate goodness is unsustainable.

I need to begin to feel well.

I have had a trillion thoughts.

Too many, where sanity was sought.

Is this the thought to undo my existence?

Am I not worth more than this moment spent.

Considering self annihilation.

Lacking self compassion and patience.

I deserve my life, the joy and the strife.

I can overcome my mind squall.

By seeking help, challenging it all.

I am better than this, can I give myself a soul kiss.

I have too much to give, but I have to forgive

Myself and my fragility,times when it is so hard being me.

I will try to transmute my pain into peace

To sit with my emotions, surrender and release.


My Mosquito Mind describes the sound of my thoughts that buzz too often and interfere with my peace of mind. I wrote it to help others.


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