Dear Doctor by Carley T.

Dear Doctor,

No breath left in my body
I’m writing, trying to think
Something which doesn’t speak
Of the craziness I see inside
Tap tap tap I can hear myself
Buzzing away on my computer
Following the prescription label
Trying not to think about him
Pulling a breath from my cig
Telling him about stories
Which only happen in my head
Tap tap tap I’m going crazy
Trapped in my own apartment
Stirring like a caged rodent
Gnawing off my own hands
Pursuing no side interests
Not anymore, just writing
Getting it all down on paper
Heart is running out of time
Before I forget how he looked
What his goddamn name was
Tap tap tap there’s a stirring
Deep in my heart ache
A place which can’t be filled
By a prescription label
Just the deep breath of a cig
Filling the inside of my lungs
Pulling me from inevitability
Craziness is my motto now
Like my mother, I’m passing
Dying from a life long cause
Black stuff in brain and lungs
Shutting down my factories
Losing what mobility I have
(I’m all gone now)


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Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussionā€”broadly speakingā€”of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers’ own.


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