Tragic Comedy by Navratra

Whenever I do something good,
my mother says,
I am just like her,
my father says,
I am just like him
They feel so proud on themselves
and start loving me so much
as if they are mobile phones
and I am their SIM

But you just need to wait
for a misconduct by me,
how drastically the scene changes,
You’ll be able to see

My mother will say,
I am just like my father
My father will say,
I am like my mother
though none of them scolds me much
as, by some divine intervention,
they still love each other

Yes, I have read a bit of biology
but “genes changes with deeds”
never read this in my life!
The question is:
Is my resemblance something biological,
or just a matter of husband-wife?!


Navratra is a young poetess(writer), public speaker and artist from Jaipur, India. Her poems have been published in various national and international journals like Sahitya Kunj, Indian Periodical, Ode to a poetess, Spillwords, Setu Magazine, The Criterion, Madras Courier, InkPantry and elsewhere


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