Comments on: Maryland Enacts a “Draconian” Assisted Outpatient Treatment Program Science, Psychiatry & Social Justice Tue, 11 Jun 2024 03:32:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Someone Else Tue, 11 Jun 2024 03:32:20 +0000 In reply to Sera Davidow.

Well, “In order to earn an IOC order under the currently proposed IOC bill in Massachusetts one could do as little as having been hospitalized twice in the last three years.”

I was there, decades ago.

But given the fact that both the antidepressants and antipsychotics can create the positive symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via anticholinergic toxidrome poisoning. And the fact that the neuroleptics can also create the “negative symptoms of schizophrenia,” via neuroleptic induced deficit disorder.

Anyone who has ever dealt with incompetent doctors (I had a “bad fix” on a broken bone), is in danger.

Because I was considered a “dangerous” person by my former, easily recognized malpractice committing and covering up former PCP, and her husband, who was the “attending physician” at the “bad fix” on my broken bone.

Despite the fact I hadn’t even bothered to hire a lawyer to sue them, for their easily recognized malpractice, since I don’t think doctors are God, thus I don’t think doctors can fix all the problems in a person, nor most definitely within our society.

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By: boans Sun, 19 May 2024 02:51:20 +0000 In reply to Bananas.

If you can imagine the ‘panic’ when I walked into the Police Station with the documents they thought had been retrieved. I was ‘flagged’ on the system which became obvious by their response (ie trying to have me referred for producing the documents demonstrating the crimes, threatening to arrest me for having my medical records).

As a result of me turning up with the proof, the people (psychiatrist, psychologist couple) who had tried to arrange for me to be euthanised fled the State literally overnight.

I think what is happening is that the State is ensuring that these people can flee the State and they then ensure that they close down any investigations into their criminal conduct, which after all was to be of benefit to the powers that be. Not the State I note, but the people in power. Because surely it can’t be of benefit to the State to be murdering it’s own citizens?

So the murders they had already completed go unpunished (Targeted Review of Emergency Dept Admissions), and they get to set up shop in another State. The ‘network’ which they were a part of simply continues uninterrupted, though legal changes required to ensure a lack of accountability (ie cut the ties of “joint enterprise”).

And there not a thing the Feds can do about it. I imagine it was similar in NSDP Germany (interfering in State politics a no no), though I can’t think of a good example for the moment.

I know when I found out about the couple fleeing as a result of me still having the documents. The Minister being sacked (dereliction of duty. Fail to report suspected corruption), and the Law Centre being closed down and another organisation receiving the funding I thought maybe the Federal Police had picked the matter up but ……. and I guess the local police are busy sending children who steal packets of colouring pencils from Walmart to prison (mandatory sentencing) to be bothered with such matters.

Though I do note there are mandatory sentences for attempting to pervert the course of justice. But the police aren’t sure of how those laws work apparently. It really doesn’t look good that such organised criminals are receiving support from such high places….. which explains the reasons for shutting it all down.

You write: “I have an attorney.” This is something which I am being denied. The person who stepped up turns out to be ensuring the interests of others who found themselves inadvertently involved, and not interested in the victims. Good career moves don’t necessarily involve actually helping anyone who don’t have the dollars to reward such inside information.

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By: Bananas Fri, 17 May 2024 20:57:11 +0000 Well, you said it, Boans, all of it.
I still hope that when everyone knows that the law has no effect in this arena and that ANYONE can be targeted by anyone else. Something, one day, will call for law and order and honesty. Maybe that hope is a denial system.
In the meantime, I maintain copies of records in more than one place. I have an attorney. I am not a target, but I know that anyone can become one.
By “records” I include phone records or records of time and duration. My former provider would not allow me to have this information. I changed providers.
Another deterrent is to have friends. Be somewhat engaged in community. Do not appear to be a loner who can be taken and not missed.

Nurturing a full life may be difficult. Not nurturing it can destroy us…I think.

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By: James Fri, 17 May 2024 19:06:04 +0000 Pills that notify the police or authorities when they have or have not been taken is the next step. Link here:
closely followed by the Neuralink chip which Musk assures us will after further testing, ( a week or so ) will be ready to “help” people with schizophrenia. Link here for that pearl.
In the mean time the defense department with their advanced weapons department called DARPA is working on what they are calling Neurowarfare which would include implants, pills, what ever they can come up with. Link here:

So all this maters, if we allow people to be picked up and drugged or tagged now in a few years we will all be cannon fodder.

Hold on to your freedom hold on to your loved ones.

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By: boans Fri, 17 May 2024 04:55:09 +0000 You know Bananas, just thinking about it I wonder if what you describe isn’t the result of pretty much everyone knowing that the State is providing carte blanche to anyone who claims to be a ‘medical person’, and the only people not aware of this are their victims?

I was considering the thief who starts out being really careful, and then after a while he/she no longer bothers with the pretense? Why would they bother with policies and procedures when the outcome is already known? Some sort of theatre for the unaware? Why bother when they are having police snatch people from their bed and can literally murder them and it looks like medicine? Well, it looks like medicine after the documents have been “edited” and the appropriate people threatened.

No need for witnesses to be called, or evidence, or even a ‘Court’ as you describe above. This is the ‘advanced’ stage of mental health. The National Socialists went through this too…they truly believed that what they were doing was for the benefit of their society….. until it looked like someone else might take a closer look, then they started burning the documents. Which is pretty much what they did in my instance….. all with the assistance of the State Police.

I wonder what you think about this? Are these people who truly believe that what they are doing is for the benefit of our communities? And they have gone insane and we didn’t actually notice….. mainly because, like the NSDP they have ‘closed the loop’ on the system? Even laid open for all to see they still deny reality, and are prepared to conceal to maintain their power to exploit the vulnerable community.

No true legal representation, then lawyers will stop turning up right? Might serve to train a few of the more ignorant and useless trainees in how the system actually works. Beat the idealism out of them. “we don’t torture waaaahahahahaha, we call it ‘medicine’ and it avoids all the problems with ‘lawful sanction'” Jokes on you counselor. And once they are ready, they too can be throwing victims under the bus for the State.

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By: boans Fri, 17 May 2024 03:57:19 +0000 Hi again Bananas,

I’m posting a new thread because the other is getting a little on the thin side.

I find it disgraceful that such things you describe can happen without any oversight or someone noticing. Maybe, as was the case with me, they are simply afraid of being targeted by the State should they dare speak up? That is certainly a consequence of people becoming aware that the State is killing anyone who dares question ‘their’ authority (my “we’ll fuking destroy you” conversation with the Operations Manager).

I appreciate your confirmation of facts etc via the two witnesses etc. This is vital with these people, as they rely on ‘disappearing’ the evidence and witnesses via threats and intimidation. I will reread your comment again later.

I understand why people might like to disbelieve me and not examine the documented facts because well….. it would mean following the trail all the way to the E.D. And importantly, back from the arbitrary detention and torture.

Someone (a professor no less) picked up the ball when the fire was raging and there were concerns about the police doing their duty. So the plan to have me ‘silenced’ in the E.D. was interrupted, and the documents retrieved (or so they thought.

This is where the modus operandii of the State is important. Aware that someone was up to a bit of nasty and using the ‘mental health system’ to bring those outcomes about, they have given fair warning about ‘outcoming’ people in the E.D. without the authority to do so (though knowing full well that the State could not have such ‘outcomes’ known about by the public. ie they would cover it up if detected).

But what about me running around with my complaint and seeking the assistance of legal representation (who had a lawful right to examine the unredacted documents which clearly showed the crimes AND the motive for trying to snuff me in the E.D. Yeah, the critics will no doubt say “they wouldn’t do that” and that’s how they are getting away with it)

So what transpired was that I was ‘put on ice’ so to speak by my legal representatives (and the State assuming they had retrieved the proof via threats to my wife) for a period of about two years.

I then returned to the legal representatives and asked what had transpired regarding the draft complaint they had made to the Chief Psychiatrist (our ‘saviour’ when it comes to wrongdoing in the mental health arena). The legal representatives then reactivated my draft complaint and finally lodged it based on the “edited” documents they had received. This included a complaint about the “editing” of the documents, which should have been provided under an Operational Directive from the Chief Psychiatrist which is designed to meet the requirements of the Convention against the use of Torture. ie someone meeting the confidentiality agreement gets to see the whole legal narrative. The problem being that the hospital would have had to provide the documented evidence of the crimes and human rights abuses, and then, in writing, ask the lawyers to conspire to pervert the course of justice. Bit of a problem.

So, the legal representatives then submitted the complaint to the Chief Psychiatrist (or so they told me. They didn’t), and they then forged a response to that complaint which makes the C.P. look like a drunk level 5 clerk. Handing the letter to me with a letter saying they hadn’t the time to read it, and they could provide no further assistance.

The Chief Psychiatrist rewrites the law to remove the protections he is responsible for by Law, claims that because the doctors don’t work there anymore that he can’t do anything (wrong on two counts, they did still work there, and he has powers beyond employment status), says he had no idea why his directive protecting the community from arbitrary detentions and torture wasn’t met and so what if it wasn’t. It is a letter designed to gaslight someone who has already been subjected to the worst of abuses imaginable.

And looking back I wonder about the conscience of the people who did this (the Law Centre ‘lawyers’ and the Minister [or her Parliamentary Sec.]), sending their minions to do their dirty work lest they have to humanise the people they deliberately push to suicide. Or is the ‘treatment’ they receive as a result of such gaslighting considered ‘humane’? I’d like the opportunity to vomit on these people in a Court someday.

It becomes obvious to others when they read the letter that this is a cover up of human rights abuses……. and should they have any power, they will quickly realise if they take the matter further their families will become targets ….. of people already murdering people to conceal their offending. I mean, I truly understand why they have the need to murder rather than have the public aware of how it works……. see the case of David McBride who got 5 years for exposing war crimes.

So whilst your case suggests a behind the scenes concealment of human rights abuses, in Australia, the people boasting of being ‘human rights defenders’ are actively and materially involved in the abuses. People knowing they can” trust these ‘legal representatives’ means the State can not exploit the relationship.

Imagine the problems when the Police realised I still had the documents showing the crimes AND that the letter from the Chief Psychiatrist had been forged? They broke into my ‘home’ to steal my laptop and find out “who else has seen the documents”, threatened others I had shared these documents with (social worker, psychologist, psychiatrist etc) and …. well, it was like watching vampires have Holy Water thrown on them every time I went to a Police Station. They needed time to get their heads together with the criminals as to how to pervert the course of justice…… not easy in this instance because they weren’t sure who was watching.

I guess if we compare it to National Socialist Germany, they’re telling Jews wishing to escape that they will help them, and get to keep the gold teeth when they hand them over to the Gestapo. But then I think about what might happen to them should they not ‘assist’ the powers that be in their concealment of these crimes. They got to watch while they arranged to have me snuffed, and they’re going to speak up?

So the Mental Health system in Australia is a one way track like Auschwitz. Nobody ever comes back. Their insurance is stripped, their dignity and position in the community is “fuking destroyed”, if their family tries to speak up they too will be targeted. And the ‘defenders’ of human rights are nothing more than backstabbing hypocrites taking advantage of the situation.

I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that this is the situation in other countries. Mainly because the people who have infiltrated our public service seem to have links to the ‘old country’ in common. They’re just setting up the corrupt systems they were thrown out of there for, here. Which makes me long to return ‘home’ because they’re obviously dealing with corruption there, as the corrupt are ending up here.

One further problem, the fact that I am a ‘foreign National’ (not that my Embassy/Consulate was of any assistance that I could see. That was left to another Nation to deal with. Seems the corrupt can rely on their ‘partners’ when it comes to the murder of teach others citizens.

I will reread your comment in detail to be sure I’m up to speed with how they’re getting away with these disgusting crimes in other places. Because I’m sure there are those on the lookout for the latest in ‘scam technology’.

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By: Bananas Fri, 17 May 2024 00:42:50 +0000 In reply to Sardina.

Hi Boans! It’s nice to see you again.
Involuntary commitment is done in a court in the USA. However, the proceedings too often are corrupted. The law is ignored. Yes, I should better explain what I meant.
I don’t live in Washington, but I am intimately familiar with a case there. It’s an example. It can’t be the only indecent because the machine was lying in wait so to speak.
I’ve posted this incident before.
A woman was in extreme benzo withdrawal because her doctor claimed to be an expert in the matter. He ordered 10.0 milligram reductions of Valium per month. The result was crisis. The doc became scared. He sent her for a ‘hold” claiming mental illness and inability to care for herself. This hid his incompetence.
Fast forward, this woman, unable to write in neurological hell signed many papers shoved onto her lap. This came with the warning. “it will go better for you if you sign” How do I know? Two people separately told me. She had signed away her right to be represented and mount a defense. Neither she not her husband knew that that hospital room was the venue of a mental health court. No one had a chance to defend her. No one knew that she was actually incarcerated. She was drugged. Her brain was damaged. She never recovered.
The law provides for an attorney to represent the interests of the accused. It calls for in court statements from one doc and one psychiatrist to establish an emergency. Neither showed up at court. A copied statement was substituted.
No one can be drugged without his/her permission. She was.
Now the big one: Neither she nor family was or were served. No one knew that she was to be tried without defense, and incarcerated at a state mental institution. Well, if the accused is not served with notice of trial, the sentence is invalid. So what? Her life is over.
I did meet a man whose aunt had the experience.
A US Federal Supreme Court decision verifies the right of the mentally-accused to be cared for at home if a friend or relative is willing to take on the care.
All of these protections were denied this woman. The process was so well oiled that I suspect the violations are standard.
I am unrelated to this victim. I was not acquainted with her then. I did later see the records, and I do see the before and six months after picture. She had been vivacious. Now she is silent and vacant.
Had the law been honored, I am sure that she would not have been convicted and forever brain-damaged. She would not have been denied the right to continue her benzo withdrawal course.

The law provides protection. In practice, it doesn’t.

It appears to be different in Australia. I am grateful for your input. I was unaware of the practice in Australia.

Legal action requires representation. Representation will take cases that require little work and large monetary award. The abuse and loss of life continue unaddressed.

I believe that an unlawful system continues without public condemnation because the public are actively made fearful of anyone suggested to be “mentally ill”. Bluntly, no one cares.

Everyone and anyone is a risk of false accusation. It is not just “the crazies” as one attorney put it to me.

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By: Bananas Wed, 15 May 2024 19:57:31 +0000 In reply to Parth.

Being homeless is not a mental illness. Eating from a garbage can, when there is no other food, obviously is not a mental illness.

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By: James Wed, 15 May 2024 18:48:02 +0000 “Psychiatric Slavery: When Confinement and Coercion Masquerade as Cure.”
Szasz, Thomas. (1997).

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By: Sardina Wed, 15 May 2024 00:06:04 +0000 In reply to BANANAS.


Family members who are at the bottom of family pecking order are at risk of losing their lives.


In that case, we can see that forced psychiatry is just a tool, similar to that of setting an unwanted daughter in law on fire, as is somewhat accepted in some parts of South Asia, or burying an unruly child alive, or slitting their throat, which sometimes happens in some Middle Eastern or Mediterranean places. In Western society, burning, stabbing, or choking someone to death carries some legal consequences for the perpetrators, so the powerful family members need a more legally acceptable tool. That is where forced psychiatry comes in handy, in its guise as actually helping and caring for the burdensome weaker family members. Anyway, meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

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By: Sodecent Tue, 14 May 2024 21:42:41 +0000 In reply to MBC.

This is really sharing to feel like a propaganda piece by mbc. Creepy vibes. I have been to a partial hospitalization program and a couple rehabs. Never helped anything. I’ve been told I’ll never have a “psychotic diagnosis” because of i were prone to psychosis i would have developed it by now. I have derealization/ depersonalization. Makes me feel like things aren’t real even though iknow they are. It’s a detachment and not a break. A dissociative disorder. Anyways, mbc and group, might we start with anyone offering up data on percentages of people who feel helped vs. Harmed by the psychiatric industrial complex? Perhaps that can guide us to a more immediate answer.

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By: Bananas Tue, 14 May 2024 20:38:02 +0000 In reply to Hidden.

One common assumption is that if one person is not in control of himself/herself, no people are. All people are potential mental patients.
Anyone from the industry can own whomever is accused.
A mental health worker is superior to any accused person?
It is easy to be accused of mental illness. Your neighbor can do it.
“The help you need”? ???….

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By: Bananas Tue, 14 May 2024 20:05:40 +0000 In reply to Birdsong.

Fourth amendment! Your body belongs to you and only you.

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By: boans Mon, 13 May 2024 23:19:25 +0000 In reply to BANANAS.


you write;

“some states have statutes that can protect the accused. Courts are ignoring those laws.”

Is it the case that some of these matters are being presented to the Courts? Or is it like Australia where the Police are the gatekeepers and ensure that ‘organised criminals’ receive the protections being afforded the ‘medical fraternity’? (due to the need to maintain the trust of the public aka cover ups ……. and oh how they are failing miserably to maintain that trust. The need to ‘unintentionally negatively outcome’ whistleblowers a sign of how desperate they are becoming. The Emperor seems to still admire his new cloak)

I watched a tv series from Canada recently called Cardinal. Series 3 has reference to a psychiatrist who was pushing his ‘clients’ to suicide (literally. To protect his reputation which is more important than any human life …… I can relate to that. Though the modus operandii differs in the use of the E.D. to involuntarily euthanize the ‘problem’).

It was fascinating to see his arrogance when confronted by a police officer whose wife was one of his victims. Contact the College of Psychiatrists and they will deal with him he claims lol (raising the drawbridge they call this in business). Shame that this matter also never went to Court as the producers might have understood just how these things actually play out in reality.

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By: BANANAS Mon, 13 May 2024 20:41:27 +0000 In reply to niko.

Niko, you are extremely articulate. I would like to quote your post at my newer website, including author and source and date published. The issue, at hand, probably has two aspects, the biological and the legal. Please share more of your writing.

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By: Bill Bradford Mon, 13 May 2024 20:38:10 +0000 In reply to James.

….the “E” in E.Fuller Torrey stands for EVIL….
And in the “Time Magazine” obituary for Dr. Thomas Szasz,
the ONLY quote was from guess who?….Ironic, isn’t it?….

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By: BANANAS Mon, 13 May 2024 20:20:56 +0000 In reply to KateL.

Yes! It is alarming to see NAMI’s mission to infiltrate every institution in the west.
I witnessed it in an American church. The clergy actively acted in a NAMI skit on church property!
NAMI is quick to label any inconvenient family member as in need of their perpetual, harmful control. Family members who are at the bottom of family pecking order are at risk of losing their lives.

There are so many insightful responses on this thread, but please let me add this: some states have statutes that can protect the accused. Courts are ignoring those laws.
A US supreme court decision, that is at least 20 years old, establishes the right of the accused to remain at home if someone is willing to care for the accused in that setting. This seems to be an extension of “least restrictive care”.
Bottom line: law is customarily ignored.
Other bottom line” who benefits from this unjust activity?

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By: Birdsong Wed, 08 May 2024 13:46:55 +0000 In reply to MBC.

Being forced-medicated is NOT “living openly and freely” in society, it violates a person’s right to bodily autonomy.

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By: James Wed, 08 May 2024 13:10:10 +0000 “The battle is not over land or resources but over the essence of what makes us human: our ability to think, feel and act freely.The elite’s goal is disturbingly straightforward: to hollow out the individual, leaving and empty shell while stripping away the soul.”

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By: niko Tue, 07 May 2024 22:37:26 +0000 “The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.” (Anatole France)

The homeless are among the most vulnerable populations subject to state power, where the rule of law covers for mob hatred, from raiding Hoovervilles to instituting camping bans (a Grants Pass, Oregon case now before the Supreme Court could establish an even more draconian natiowide reign of terror).

It’s the poor and powerless who pay most of all, with life lost, for progress of the class rule of capital, from poor houses for the ‘vagrants’ dispossessed of land and livelihood by private property monopolization, to psychiatric wards and warehouses for the ‘mentally ill’ victims of an abusive social system of exploitation and alienation, altogether a carceral network for managing and eliminating inefficiencies in the machinery of production like so many ‘useless eaters’.

As “the welfare of people has always been the alibi of tyrants” (Camus), all the many projects and programs by which ‘the homeless problem’ has been ‘taken care of’ are promoted as humanitarian causes in order to sell the public and normalize practices of population control, like torturing these criminals of poverty for experimental purposes, turning them into lab rats for the latest Frankenscience to be tested for rollout to the general population.

In 2019, for example, homeless people in Austin, Texas were rounded up and cattle tagged with microchips in one of the pilot programs for ID2020, itself one of the many initiatives of capitalist colonization of people as livestock long planned and now underway by the biodigital security state launched with the convid plandemic.

Particularly since the end of WW2, corporate state fascism has been creeping along to construct a police state indistinguishable from martial law to replace the semblance of representative government; SWAT, for instance, conducts over 80,000 interventions a year, often for minor matters like traffic violations, but the law of the land up to the Supreme Court has upheld its lawless counterinsurgency methods of warfare, including no-knock house raids and killings, even of people at the wrong address.

A techno-totalitarian dystopia, where precrime death squads enforce the law with equal contempt for all but a predator class living off organized crime against humanity, is coming into place as the new (ab)normal. If we don’t, as it were, realize how our fate is bound up with others, not least of all the most vulnerable who routinely serve as canaries in the coal mine, we the people will soon enough end up as outpatients of medical tyranny.

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.” (Aldous Huxley)

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