“Reframing PDP as a unique condition is a typical example of condition branding.” Yes, and despite such being typical for big Pharma and psychiatry, it is shameful they’re both still behaving in this manner … but too many have yet to be arrested for their systemic crimes, so of course the systemic corporate and industry crimes continue.
“Other drugs used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease have also been associated with psychosis, such as dopamine agonists and anticholinergics.” Yes, the anticholinergics (including both the antidepressants and antipsychotics) can create “psychosis,” via anticholinergic toxidrome.
Not to mention the anticholinergic drugs can also create akathisia and dyskinesia (a movement disorder – which looks like Parkinson’s to doctors).
I know because I’m reasonably aware of my grandmother’s medical history. She was, according to my family, “psychic,” and briefly mistreated with Stelazine about 60-70 years ago. And then she was quickly taken off that neurotoxic poison because she’d supposedly developed “Parkinson” symptoms (which was likely dyskinesia).
And there’s a really big difference between being “psychic” and “psychotic.”
It’s sad today’s “mental health professionals” are defaming people’s dead grandmothers, who they’ve never met, merely to rationalize their beliefs in their “invalid” “life long incurable genetic” DSM disorders, and neurotoxic poisonings of innocent humans.
But I do know that was “unethical” defamation of my beloved grandmother, that all my “mental health professionals” did. Not to mention even a subsequent “mental health” doctoral thesis interviewer, who defamed my beloved grandmother, in her doctoral thesis paper.
Please give up your beliefs in your “invalid” “life long incurable genetic” DSM disorders, “mental health professionals.” And take the time to learn about the common adverse and withdrawal symptoms of the psych neurotoxins … those who call yourselves “mental health professionals.”
Oh, all distress caused by the world wide distressing event of 9.11.2001, was blamed upon a “chemical imbalance” in my brain alone … when I was picking up my and my family’s medical records in 2005, including from my child abuse covering up psychologist, and according to my innocent child’s medical records.
The current “mental health system” does the opposite of actually “helping” people, too often, sadly.
Do you get money from the TAC? And “you do not speak for everybody” either. But I totally agree, “Certainly, your case and others like it deserve to be rectified.” Yet they haven’t been yet.
I recently helped a loved one heal from a bad heart drug cocktail being abruptly – but appropriately – withdrawn, albeit without an appropriate alternative heart med being introduced, plus also likely “alcohol encephalitis.”
My loved one was stabilized, and has been doing fairly well, since last fall, by being given a low dose of lithium, and largely … but not completely … getting off the alcohol. He’s now off the lithium, albeit I don’t know for certain if we’re out of the weeds yet.
I know, from my beloved grandmother’s and my personal experience, that my family does not react well to the anticholinergic drugs, which seem to be the “gold standard treatment” for all “psychotic” people, in the ER’s.
But if a low dose of lithium can be used to stabilize the most “psychotic” person I’ve personally ever seen, and I think the ambulance driver had ever seen (albeit, my loved one wasn’t violent).
Maybe the psych “professionals,” and ER doctors, should start to calm down the non-“dangerous” “psychotic” people, with something milder and more natural than the antipsychotics and other anticholinergic drugs? Since the anticholinergic drugs (which includes the antidepressants and antipsychotics) are known to actually create “hallucinations” and “psychosis,” via anticholinergic toxidrome?
As one who ran art and S.T.E.A.M programs to help educate middle class and underprivileged students. I agree, the psych neurotoxic poisoning of the American children, is child abuse. Good luck in your run for Congress.
Thank you as always, Dr. Peter, for speaking the truth. American propaganda is out of control, too.
“Tea said she wanted to interview me, but I shall decline. It can only go wrong.” I hope you will rethink this, because if you give Tea some information to research into first, and say you’ll allow her to interview you, after she properly educates herself with the “alternative,” albeit, truthful view. It may go better than you think?
“But journalists? They must be among those with the lowest intelligence of all trades.” Well, I personally think that’s likely the psychologic industry – since I think they used to be the only industry that could get into grad school, without taking the GRE, albeit maybe I’m wrong about that, and that no longer seems to be the case.
Nonetheless, one journalist is somewhat my hero of mine, since he’s the one who pointed out the actual iatrogenic etiology of my “bipolar” misdiagnosis. But he seems to be modest enough to have people, rightfully, and even he is now pointing out systemic failures, within both the medical pharmaceutical industries and big media.
And, as a former economics and marketing major, I will say, both those industries are corrupted also. Just check out my favorite economics professor’s pointing out of the fraud of Keynesian microeconomic theory in his book:
My condolences to you on your loss, Carly, and thank you for sharing Joey’s story and videos. I completely agree, “There needs to be more informed consent with these medications.”
Especially since the psychiatric and psychologic industries have been blatantly lying to us for decades, and now are claiming innocence, via ignorance. Do tell … why should people now claiming innocence due to their ignorance, be able to call themselves “professionals”?
I love the last picture of Joey, it really emanates his charm. But it brings a tear to my eye, when I read about psychiatry’s and psychology’s recent murders.
Please stop neurotoxic poisoning children, psychologists, psychiatrists, and mainstream doctors … including the pediatricians, who can’t stop neurotoxic poisoning the children … “because it’s too profitable.”
“the authors emphasize the need for evidence-based trauma therapies and interventions that are widely accessible so as to not exclude the most vulnerable populations that may need treatment the most.”
For goodness sake, today’s DSM “bible” billing “mental health professionals” can’t even bill to help child abuse survivors today. Why don’t the “mental health professionals” start by allowing themselves to actually honestly bill to help child abuse survivors first?
Or better yet, since what is actually helpful for a child abuse survivor to heal, is getting him/her away from the abusers, treating an abuse survivor with love, mutual respect … and justice – none of which the “mental health” industries seem capable of doing. Quite to the contrary, today’s “mental health professions” are basically a multi-billion dollar – primarily child abuse covering up – group of industries.
… But a child abuse survivor can heal, and go from remedial reading in first grade (after the abuse), to getting 100% on his state standardized tests in eighth grade, to graduating from university Phi Beta Kappa, in addition to winning multiple psychologic university and civic awards since then.
So it’s very important that the “mental health industries” end their systemic “dirty little secret of the two original educated professions'” faustian “partnership” with the mainstream religions. And get out of the child abuse covering up business, for those paternalistic religions.
And please stop incorrectly assuming all child abuse survivors – and their legitimately concerned mothers – need “mental health treatment,” or are stupid, or “fictional” – scientifically “invalid” DSM “bible” billers and neurotoxic poisoners.
I agree, Robert Whitaker did an excellent job of pointing out that the antidepressants and ADHD drugs can create the “bipolar” symptoms, in ‘Anatomy of an Epidemic.’ We donate to MiA almost every year, in thanks for Robert’s research findings, and his honest reporting.
But I’ll repeat, once again, my research findings … which are relevant, Neil, to your concerns of “schizo” diagnoses, and “psychosis,” in general.
The antipsychotics / neuroleptics (as well as the antidepressants, since they’re also an anticholinergic drug) can create the positive symptoms of “schizophrenia” (including “psychosis”), via anticholinergic toxidrome.
“Portraying mental illness in exclusively genetic terms may perpetuate stigma, encourage discrimination, and harm the mental health of people living with psychiatric diagnoses.” Especially since such claims are a blatant lie, and doctors really shouldn’t be blatantly lying to their clients, or their clients’ families.
I think the Covid measures / gas lighting have made all American children, child abuse survivors now (wearing a mask in school for years, for example).
And since some “mental health professionals” have been systemically betraying child abuse survivors, and their families, for over a century.
And because the DSM deluded “mental health professionals” can’t even bill to honestly help child abuse survivors, according to their own “invalid” DSM “bible.”
I’m quite certain there is a need for someone – other than the scientifically “invalid” “mental health professionals” – to help our society’s child abuse survivors.
As the mother of a child abuse survivor – who did heal and graduate from university Phi Beta Kappa, because I got my child quickly away from a child molester, and I eventually [on 6.6.06] closed down a “school for gifted children,” that had a pedophile on their school board. And I was also able to keep my child away from those who wanted to profiteer off of covering up child abuse (a “social worker” who wanted to drug my child, based upon her lies, because my child got 100% on his state standardized tests in 8th grade, and since the public school was “not equipped to deal with the smartest children,” as was eventually confessed to by my child’s school principal).
I’m quite certain love is the answer … not a scientific fraud based, for profit only, scientifically “invalid” “mental health industry.” And child abuse does NOT cause the “invalid” DSM disorders, which does seem to be the direction the, likely justifiably embarrassed,” DSM deluded “mental health” researchers are going.
My wonderful son recently won another award, as a “mover and shaker” in his neighborhood. Neurotoxic poisoning all intelligent child abuse survivors is NOT the answer, as systemic, child abuse covering up, “mental health professionals” all told me.
“The children are our future,” is the truth, and love … not greed … is the cure.
All people, of all countries … including all Americans … need to stand against “mainstream psychology,” and their scientific fraud based “psychiatric,” DSM “bible” masters.
My condolences to the indigenous people of America, for the horrendous and systemic crimes committed against them, by America’s scientific fraud based, so called, “mental health professionals.”
“I feel grief about, and want to acknowledge, the patients I may have unintentionally harmed while practicing unconsciously.”
There are so few psychiatrists who will apologize for the harm the DSM deluded psychiatric and psychologic industries are systemically doing. Thank you for apologizing.
And I agree, Jung’s theology is likely closest to the truth. I’ve got my own, wounded researcher and truth sharer, story … and it is about equating my conscious and unconscious selves. Ironically, brought about by being slowly weaned off the psych drugs, by my former psychiatrist.
Thank God, for the psychiatrists who are actually slowly, and with respect for their patients’ opinions, weaning people off the psych drugs.
Thank you for sharing your and your wife’s experience, Sam. You do know how to make a lady cry. If ever you and your wife decide you want to meet in person, the offer’s still open, please do let me know.
Amy, that was a beautiful interview and book review, you were so empathic and understanding. God bless, to Deborah Kasdan and her family … and I will say, it’s sad how much our paternalistically set up systems want to destroy the strong “big sis’s” of our society.
Thank you for all you’re dong, Christine. Please tell us how we may help you. Most definitely, ending the forced and coerced psych drugging of children, and innocent adults, is imperative.
For goodness sakes, my former religion’s pedestrians and psychologists, et al (like the owners of the ELCA hospitals, which is the ELCA religion) think such crimes against children are “too profitable” to end.
Especially, given the reality that psychiatry has yet to confess that their ADHD drugs and antidepressants can create the ‘bipolar’ symptoms … resulting in an iatrogenic “bipolar epidemic,” in America.
And the psychiatric, and their psychological industry “partners,” have largely, collectively yet to confess to the scientific fraud of their DSM “bible” billing system. Albeit, thank you to those within those industries, who are speaking the truth!
But it also needs to be confessed that their “antipsychotics” can create both the positive and negative symptoms of, so called ‘schizophrenia,’ via anticholinergic toxidrome and neuroleptic induced deficit disorder.
– So, the “ADHD,” “depression,” “bipolar,” and “schizophrenia” “disorders,” are all “curable” “disorders” … if you can safely get off the psych neurotoxins – which is NOT necessarily easy.
But, as I painted in 2005, we are living in an upside down and backwards America. Let’s hope and pray we may bring about a better world for all … some day, and soon.
Thus, I do so hope, the “Feb. 1 proposed legislation to temporarily exclude individuals with a sole underlying medical condition of mental illness until 2027” is enacted.
But, as one who was misdiagnosed with three so called “mental illnesses,” within three days, by three different – greed and malevolent child abuse and easily recognized iatrogenic illness profiteering inspired doctors. I know excluding all individuals with any, and a myriad of so called “mental illnesses, is unwise.
So let’s hope and pray the Feb 1 “proposed legislation” prevents Canadian doctors from mass murdering the innocent people that psychiatry, psychology, and mainstream doctors have been fraudulently defaming with the “invalid” DSM “disorders,” for nefarious reasons, and for decades.
“aside from your censor adults beliefs,” should be changed from “aside from your censor adults’ beliefs,” to a change to respecting the well researched, legitimate concerns of adults, and loving moms.
As one who is being censored from pointing out that the antipsychotics / neuroleptics can create both the positive and negative symptoms of so called “schizophrenia,” via both anticholinergic toxidrome and neuroleptic induced deficit disorder – by all but MiA, but MiA is not making this sad reality more clear.
I’m rather saddened that your blog ends with your belief that the need to further censor all, is a good idea.
Albeit, as a mom who refused to give my children smart phones at a very early age – and has two children who are doing quite well (one was a Phi Beta Kappa recipient, who is now getting an another award, for his local community activism; and the other just had a successful presentation of ideas, regarding his doctorate).
Albeit, I will admit, both my children would be considered to be within a “marginalized community.” Albeit, so would I, since I am a mother who stands 100% against the systemic child abuse covering up crimes, of the scientifically “invalid” “mental health professionals,” and their religious “partners.”
There are an awful lot of people who have had spiritual journeys / “emergencies,” etc. misdiagnosed as psych symptoms. I, for one, had a dream about being ‘moved by the Holy Spirit’ (and ‘brain zaps’), misdiagnosed as ‘bipolar.’
Yet both my subsequent anticholinergic toxidrome induced ‘psychosis,’ and my ‘drug withdrawal induced manic psychosis’ were of a Spiritual nature.
But as a “case manager serving several adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders,” I do so hope you know that the antidepressants and antipsychotics can both create “hallucinations” and “delusions,” via anticholinergic toxidrome poisoning.
“Medication is seen as superior and essential despite inconsistent statistical evidence of its effectiveness or full disclosure of its harms, and as a result, all other interventions are limited.”
Disclosure of the harms of the so called “ADHD drugs” and “antidepressants.”
“The authors state the content in these textbooks directly contradicts those with lived experience, who report ‘their experiences are deeply meaningful and personal, contextualized within their life experiences, and not wholly negative.'”
Let’s hope and pray that some day, the psychologists realize their entire psychiatric DSM “bible” billing belief system is “invalid, thus a lie … or delusion, on their part.
And by functioning as mere funnels to the neurotoxic poisoning psychiatrists, the psychologists have been systemically harming, and aiding in mass murdering, innocent people for profit for decades.
“We suggest that regional experiments to test whether types of prevention work are cost-effective is a better use of resources than further randomized controlled trials comparing subtle differences in antidepressant medications.”
Gee, wasn’t all the wasted tax payer dollars spent on continued research into the “invalid” DSM disorders, and their neurotoxic psychiatric “treatments,” supposed to end ten years ago, according to the NIMH?
“There is a preponderance of evidence that broken attachment between infant and mother, childhood abuse, and neglect, along with other adverse childhood events, do strongly predict depression and other health status and struggles in adulthood.”
Don’t you think that it’s highly unethical that the psychologists, who claim to be the “profession” who helps child abuse survivors, can NOT even bill to help child abuse survivors?
Since this inability to bill to help child abuse survivors, results in psychologists denying and covering up child abuse, with their “invalid” DSM disorders, and neurotoxic poisonings.
And this “victim blaming” by psychologists and their psychiatric partners is NOT a small problem, it’s a systemic problem with all DSM “bible” billers … and the paternalistic, systemic child abuse covering up religions, who have “partnered” with them.
I hope this systemic, paternalistic problem with the DSM will be rectified soon, and the “dirty little secret of the two original educated professions’,” systemic, multibillion dollar, medical / religious child abuse covering up “partnership” will be ended.
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” We have absolute corruption, of many powerful industries.
Nicely stated, Topher.
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“Reframing PDP as a unique condition is a typical example of condition branding.” Yes, and despite such being typical for big Pharma and psychiatry, it is shameful they’re both still behaving in this manner … but too many have yet to be arrested for their systemic crimes, so of course the systemic corporate and industry crimes continue.
“Other drugs used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease have also been associated with psychosis, such as dopamine agonists and anticholinergics.” Yes, the anticholinergics (including both the antidepressants and antipsychotics) can create “psychosis,” via anticholinergic toxidrome.
Not to mention the anticholinergic drugs can also create akathisia and dyskinesia (a movement disorder – which looks like Parkinson’s to doctors).
I know because I’m reasonably aware of my grandmother’s medical history. She was, according to my family, “psychic,” and briefly mistreated with Stelazine about 60-70 years ago. And then she was quickly taken off that neurotoxic poison because she’d supposedly developed “Parkinson” symptoms (which was likely dyskinesia).
And there’s a really big difference between being “psychic” and “psychotic.”
It’s sad today’s “mental health professionals” are defaming people’s dead grandmothers, who they’ve never met, merely to rationalize their beliefs in their “invalid” “life long incurable genetic” DSM disorders, and neurotoxic poisonings of innocent humans.
But I do know that was “unethical” defamation of my beloved grandmother, that all my “mental health professionals” did. Not to mention even a subsequent “mental health” doctoral thesis interviewer, who defamed my beloved grandmother, in her doctoral thesis paper.
Please give up your beliefs in your “invalid” “life long incurable genetic” DSM disorders, “mental health professionals.” And take the time to learn about the common adverse and withdrawal symptoms of the psych neurotoxins … those who call yourselves “mental health professionals.”
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“[R]adical self-acceptance” for all distressed individuals is needed … NOT stigmatization with the “invalid” DSM disorders.
Oh, all distress caused by the world wide distressing event of 9.11.2001, was blamed upon a “chemical imbalance” in my brain alone … when I was picking up my and my family’s medical records in 2005, including from my child abuse covering up psychologist, and according to my innocent child’s medical records.
The current “mental health system” does the opposite of actually “helping” people, too often, sadly.
Thank you for sharing your story, Anne.
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“This message is from MindFreedom International:
“May 8, 2024 Update:
“Success!!!–At Least for Now”
Kudos to the MindFreedom International volunteers! Many thanks for your advocacy.
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Do you get money from the TAC? And “you do not speak for everybody” either. But I totally agree, “Certainly, your case and others like it deserve to be rectified.” Yet they haven’t been yet.
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I recently helped a loved one heal from a bad heart drug cocktail being abruptly – but appropriately – withdrawn, albeit without an appropriate alternative heart med being introduced, plus also likely “alcohol encephalitis.”
My loved one was stabilized, and has been doing fairly well, since last fall, by being given a low dose of lithium, and largely … but not completely … getting off the alcohol. He’s now off the lithium, albeit I don’t know for certain if we’re out of the weeds yet.
I know, from my beloved grandmother’s and my personal experience, that my family does not react well to the anticholinergic drugs, which seem to be the “gold standard treatment” for all “psychotic” people, in the ER’s.
But if a low dose of lithium can be used to stabilize the most “psychotic” person I’ve personally ever seen, and I think the ambulance driver had ever seen (albeit, my loved one wasn’t violent).
Maybe the psych “professionals,” and ER doctors, should start to calm down the non-“dangerous” “psychotic” people, with something milder and more natural than the antipsychotics and other anticholinergic drugs? Since the anticholinergic drugs (which includes the antidepressants and antipsychotics) are known to actually create “hallucinations” and “psychosis,” via anticholinergic toxidrome?
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As one who ran art and S.T.E.A.M programs to help educate middle class and underprivileged students. I agree, the psych neurotoxic poisoning of the American children, is child abuse. Good luck in your run for Congress.
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I know all about the impropriety of giving “a drug to someone else!”
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Thank you as always, Dr. Peter, for speaking the truth. American propaganda is out of control, too.
“Tea said she wanted to interview me, but I shall decline. It can only go wrong.” I hope you will rethink this, because if you give Tea some information to research into first, and say you’ll allow her to interview you, after she properly educates herself with the “alternative,” albeit, truthful view. It may go better than you think?
“But journalists? They must be among those with the lowest intelligence of all trades.” Well, I personally think that’s likely the psychologic industry – since I think they used to be the only industry that could get into grad school, without taking the GRE, albeit maybe I’m wrong about that, and that no longer seems to be the case.
Nonetheless, one journalist is somewhat my hero of mine, since he’s the one who pointed out the actual iatrogenic etiology of my “bipolar” misdiagnosis. But he seems to be modest enough to have people, rightfully, and even he is now pointing out systemic failures, within both the medical pharmaceutical industries and big media.
And, as a former economics and marketing major, I will say, both those industries are corrupted also. Just check out my favorite economics professor’s pointing out of the fraud of Keynesian microeconomic theory in his book:
And all do need to wake up to the systemic fraud of the globalist banking system, including the Federal Reserve.
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My condolences to you on your loss, Carly, and thank you for sharing Joey’s story and videos. I completely agree, “There needs to be more informed consent with these medications.”
Especially since the psychiatric and psychologic industries have been blatantly lying to us for decades, and now are claiming innocence, via ignorance. Do tell … why should people now claiming innocence due to their ignorance, be able to call themselves “professionals”?
I love the last picture of Joey, it really emanates his charm. But it brings a tear to my eye, when I read about psychiatry’s and psychology’s recent murders.
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Please stop neurotoxic poisoning children, psychologists, psychiatrists, and mainstream doctors … including the pediatricians, who can’t stop neurotoxic poisoning the children … “because it’s too profitable.”
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So why are we supposed to “trust your doctor” any longer?
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“the authors emphasize the need for evidence-based trauma therapies and interventions that are widely accessible so as to not exclude the most vulnerable populations that may need treatment the most.”
For goodness sake, today’s DSM “bible” billing “mental health professionals” can’t even bill to help child abuse survivors today. Why don’t the “mental health professionals” start by allowing themselves to actually honestly bill to help child abuse survivors first?
Or better yet, since what is actually helpful for a child abuse survivor to heal, is getting him/her away from the abusers, treating an abuse survivor with love, mutual respect … and justice – none of which the “mental health” industries seem capable of doing. Quite to the contrary, today’s “mental health professions” are basically a multi-billion dollar – primarily child abuse covering up – group of industries.
… But a child abuse survivor can heal, and go from remedial reading in first grade (after the abuse), to getting 100% on his state standardized tests in eighth grade, to graduating from university Phi Beta Kappa, in addition to winning multiple psychologic university and civic awards since then.
So it’s very important that the “mental health industries” end their systemic “dirty little secret of the two original educated professions'” faustian “partnership” with the mainstream religions. And get out of the child abuse covering up business, for those paternalistic religions.
And please stop incorrectly assuming all child abuse survivors – and their legitimately concerned mothers – need “mental health treatment,” or are stupid, or “fictional” – scientifically “invalid” DSM “bible” billers and neurotoxic poisoners.
Writing the truth about your industries’ systemic crimes is good therapy. Thank you, MiA, for allowing the former “patients'” research to be heard.
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I’m not certain how many times I must point out that the psych drugs can create the “invalid” psych DSM “bible” disorders.
I agree, Robert Whitaker did an excellent job of pointing out that the antidepressants and ADHD drugs can create the “bipolar” symptoms, in ‘Anatomy of an Epidemic.’ We donate to MiA almost every year, in thanks for Robert’s research findings, and his honest reporting.
But I’ll repeat, once again, my research findings … which are relevant, Neil, to your concerns of “schizo” diagnoses, and “psychosis,” in general.
The antipsychotics / neuroleptics (as well as the antidepressants, since they’re also an anticholinergic drug) can create the positive symptoms of “schizophrenia” (including “psychosis”), via anticholinergic toxidrome.
Plus, the neuroleptics can also create the negative symptoms of “schizophrenia,” via neuroleptic induced deficit disorder.
The psych DSM “disorders” are iatrogenic illnesses, created with the psych neurotoxins … not “genetic disorders.”
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Thank you for working to help bring to fruition, safe ways to wean off the psychiatric neurotoxins, Peter.
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“Portraying mental illness in exclusively genetic terms may perpetuate stigma, encourage discrimination, and harm the mental health of people living with psychiatric diagnoses.” Especially since such claims are a blatant lie, and doctors really shouldn’t be blatantly lying to their clients, or their clients’ families.
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I think the Covid measures / gas lighting have made all American children, child abuse survivors now (wearing a mask in school for years, for example).
And since some “mental health professionals” have been systemically betraying child abuse survivors, and their families, for over a century.
In my case, for their paternalistic, systemic child abuse covering up, religious “partners.”
And because the DSM deluded “mental health professionals” can’t even bill to honestly help child abuse survivors, according to their own “invalid” DSM “bible.”
I’m quite certain there is a need for someone – other than the scientifically “invalid” “mental health professionals” – to help our society’s child abuse survivors.
As the mother of a child abuse survivor – who did heal and graduate from university Phi Beta Kappa, because I got my child quickly away from a child molester, and I eventually [on 6.6.06] closed down a “school for gifted children,” that had a pedophile on their school board. And I was also able to keep my child away from those who wanted to profiteer off of covering up child abuse (a “social worker” who wanted to drug my child, based upon her lies, because my child got 100% on his state standardized tests in 8th grade, and since the public school was “not equipped to deal with the smartest children,” as was eventually confessed to by my child’s school principal).
I’m quite certain love is the answer … not a scientific fraud based, for profit only, scientifically “invalid” “mental health industry.” And child abuse does NOT cause the “invalid” DSM disorders, which does seem to be the direction the, likely justifiably embarrassed,” DSM deluded “mental health” researchers are going.
My wonderful son recently won another award, as a “mover and shaker” in his neighborhood. Neurotoxic poisoning all intelligent child abuse survivors is NOT the answer, as systemic, child abuse covering up, “mental health professionals” all told me.
“The children are our future,” is the truth, and love … not greed … is the cure.
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All people, of all countries … including all Americans … need to stand against “mainstream psychology,” and their scientific fraud based “psychiatric,” DSM “bible” masters.
My condolences to the indigenous people of America, for the horrendous and systemic crimes committed against them, by America’s scientific fraud based, so called, “mental health professionals.”
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“I feel grief about, and want to acknowledge, the patients I may have unintentionally harmed while practicing unconsciously.”
There are so few psychiatrists who will apologize for the harm the DSM deluded psychiatric and psychologic industries are systemically doing. Thank you for apologizing.
And I agree, Jung’s theology is likely closest to the truth. I’ve got my own, wounded researcher and truth sharer, story … and it is about equating my conscious and unconscious selves. Ironically, brought about by being slowly weaned off the psych drugs, by my former psychiatrist.
Thank God, for the psychiatrists who are actually slowly, and with respect for their patients’ opinions, weaning people off the psych drugs.
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I just renewed my license, and I didn’t notice that. So does your wife have a driver’s license?
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Thank you for sharing your and your wife’s experience, Sam. You do know how to make a lady cry. If ever you and your wife decide you want to meet in person, the offer’s still open, please do let me know.
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Amy, that was a beautiful interview and book review, you were so empathic and understanding. God bless, to Deborah Kasdan and her family … and I will say, it’s sad how much our paternalistically set up systems want to destroy the strong “big sis’s” of our society.
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Thank you, Michael, for speaking out against the heartbreaking, and scientifically “invalid,” stigmatizing and neurotoxic poisoning of children!
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Thank you for all you’re dong, Christine. Please tell us how we may help you. Most definitely, ending the forced and coerced psych drugging of children, and innocent adults, is imperative.
For goodness sakes, my former religion’s pedestrians and psychologists, et al (like the owners of the ELCA hospitals, which is the ELCA religion) think such crimes against children are “too profitable” to end.
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” … As of this year, the MAID program was also set to allow those with mental illness to choose euthanasia.”
This is really frightening for those defamed with the scientifically “invalid” DSM disorders in Canada, and the Americas, in general.
Especially, given the reality that psychiatry has yet to confess that their ADHD drugs and antidepressants can create the ‘bipolar’ symptoms … resulting in an iatrogenic “bipolar epidemic,” in America.
And the psychiatric, and their psychological industry “partners,” have largely, collectively yet to confess to the scientific fraud of their DSM “bible” billing system. Albeit, thank you to those within those industries, who are speaking the truth!
But it also needs to be confessed that their “antipsychotics” can create both the positive and negative symptoms of, so called ‘schizophrenia,’ via anticholinergic toxidrome and neuroleptic induced deficit disorder.
– So, the “ADHD,” “depression,” “bipolar,” and “schizophrenia” “disorders,” are all “curable” “disorders” … if you can safely get off the psych neurotoxins – which is NOT necessarily easy.
But, as I painted in 2005, we are living in an upside down and backwards America. Let’s hope and pray we may bring about a better world for all … some day, and soon.
Thus, I do so hope, the “Feb. 1 proposed legislation to temporarily exclude individuals with a sole underlying medical condition of mental illness until 2027” is enacted.
But, as one who was misdiagnosed with three so called “mental illnesses,” within three days, by three different – greed and malevolent child abuse and easily recognized iatrogenic illness profiteering inspired doctors. I know excluding all individuals with any, and a myriad of so called “mental illnesses, is unwise.
So let’s hope and pray the Feb 1 “proposed legislation” prevents Canadian doctors from mass murdering the innocent people that psychiatry, psychology, and mainstream doctors have been fraudulently defaming with the “invalid” DSM “disorders,” for nefarious reasons, and for decades.
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“aside from your censor adults beliefs,” should be changed from “aside from your censor adults’ beliefs,” to a change to respecting the well researched, legitimate concerns of adults, and loving moms.
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As one who is being censored from pointing out that the antipsychotics / neuroleptics can create both the positive and negative symptoms of so called “schizophrenia,” via both anticholinergic toxidrome and neuroleptic induced deficit disorder – by all but MiA, but MiA is not making this sad reality more clear.
I’m rather saddened that your blog ends with your belief that the need to further censor all, is a good idea.
Albeit, as a mom who refused to give my children smart phones at a very early age – and has two children who are doing quite well (one was a Phi Beta Kappa recipient, who is now getting an another award, for his local community activism; and the other just had a successful presentation of ideas, regarding his doctorate).
Albeit, I will admit, both my children would be considered to be within a “marginalized community.” Albeit, so would I, since I am a mother who stands 100% against the systemic child abuse covering up crimes, of the scientifically “invalid” “mental health professionals,” and their religious “partners.”
Nonetheless, aside from your censor adults beliefs, I do largely agree with your concerns regarding social media and children.
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There are an awful lot of people who have had spiritual journeys / “emergencies,” etc. misdiagnosed as psych symptoms. I, for one, had a dream about being ‘moved by the Holy Spirit’ (and ‘brain zaps’), misdiagnosed as ‘bipolar.’
Yet both my subsequent anticholinergic toxidrome induced ‘psychosis,’ and my ‘drug withdrawal induced manic psychosis’ were of a Spiritual nature.
But as a “case manager serving several adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders,” I do so hope you know that the antidepressants and antipsychotics can both create “hallucinations” and “delusions,” via anticholinergic toxidrome poisoning.
And the antipsychotics / neuroleptics can also create the negative symptoms of ‘schizophrenia,’ via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
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“Medication is seen as superior and essential despite inconsistent statistical evidence of its effectiveness or full disclosure of its harms, and as a result, all other interventions are limited.”
Disclosure of the harms of the so called “ADHD drugs” and “antidepressants.”
Full disclosure of the harms of the so called “schizophrenia treatments:”
The antidepressants and antipsychotics can both create the “positive symptoms of schizophrenia,” via anticholinergic toxidrome poisoning.
And the antipsychotics / neuroleptics can also create the “negative symptoms of schizophrenia,” via neuroleptic induced deficit syndrome.
“The authors state the content in these textbooks directly contradicts those with lived experience, who report ‘their experiences are deeply meaningful and personal, contextualized within their life experiences, and not wholly negative.'”
Let’s hope and pray that some day, the psychologists realize their entire psychiatric DSM “bible” billing belief system is “invalid, thus a lie … or delusion, on their part.
And by functioning as mere funnels to the neurotoxic poisoning psychiatrists, the psychologists have been systemically harming, and aiding in mass murdering, innocent people for profit for decades.
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“We suggest that regional experiments to test whether types of prevention work are cost-effective is a better use of resources than further randomized controlled trials comparing subtle differences in antidepressant medications.”
Gee, wasn’t all the wasted tax payer dollars spent on continued research into the “invalid” DSM disorders, and their neurotoxic psychiatric “treatments,” supposed to end ten years ago, according to the NIMH?
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I think you meant, “They need only LISTEN to us, their test subjects, to find the answers they seek.”
Your next comment, describing the typical iatrogenic illness creation process of likely most psychiatrists, is spot on, however, Kate L.
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“There is a preponderance of evidence that broken attachment between infant and mother, childhood abuse, and neglect, along with other adverse childhood events, do strongly predict depression and other health status and struggles in adulthood.”
Don’t you think that it’s highly unethical that the psychologists, who claim to be the “profession” who helps child abuse survivors, can NOT even bill to help child abuse survivors?
Since this inability to bill to help child abuse survivors, results in psychologists denying and covering up child abuse, with their “invalid” DSM disorders, and neurotoxic poisonings.
And this “victim blaming” by psychologists and their psychiatric partners is NOT a small problem, it’s a systemic problem with all DSM “bible” billers … and the paternalistic, systemic child abuse covering up religions, who have “partnered” with them.
I hope this systemic, paternalistic problem with the DSM will be rectified soon, and the “dirty little secret of the two original educated professions’,” systemic, multibillion dollar, medical / religious child abuse covering up “partnership” will be ended.
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” We have absolute corruption, of many powerful industries.
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